【禁聞】許志永上訴被駁回 國際譴責


【新唐人2014年04月12日訊】許志永上訴被駁回 國際譴責











Rejection of Xu Zhiyong’s Appeal Gets International


China New Citizen Movement promoter Xu Zhiyong’s appeal

was dismissed on April 11 by Beijing High Court.

U.S., EU and international human rights organizations

expressed disappointment and condemned the decision.

Well-known Beijing activist Xu Zhiyong, the founder of a

transparency movement, campaigned for government

officials to disclose their assets and also educational rights

for children.

Xu was sentenced to four years in jail for

“disrupting public order”.

The Website of New Citizen Movement Officially Works

On April 11, New Citizen Movement website published a

comment that it’s come to a head for the Chinese Communist

Party (CCP) to illegally try and suppress the members of the

new citizen movement all over China.

The new citizen movement doesn’t fail or end.

The crackdown of the CCP can’t stop the new

citizenship ideas spreading.

The new citizen movement website provided a communication

platform for the citizen idea.

France Seized More Than Twenty Million Chinese Fake Drugs

French Customs seized more than 2000 million doses of

counterfeit drugs imported from China.

These including aspirin, diarrhea medicine

and sexual dysfunction drugs.

On April 10, French customs said this is the largest case

of fakes in the EU.

French customs said that some of these counterfeit

medicines did not contain any drug ingredients which is a

blatant deception to the consumers.

Others contains different levels of drug ingredients which

makes the consumers take serious health risks.

At the end of February 2014, French customs in Le Havre ,

in northern France, seized a container with 601 Chinese tea

label stuck to it and found over 24 million counterfeit drugs.
