【禁聞】 影子銀行「錢更荒」 投資者血本無歸




北京市民何玉京購買了人民幣100萬元、預期年收益率10%的「北京融典投資管理有限公司(Beijing Roll-In Investment Co.)」的基金。他說,之所以購買這款產品,就是因為本金、利息都有擔保。但是,現在,既沒有拿到承諾的收益,連本金也沒有拿回來。










美銀美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)的分析師,在1月16號發佈的一份報告中說,影子銀行貸款出現違約的速度,似乎在迅速加快。

例如,「中誠信託投資有限責任公司(China Credit Trust Co.) 」和「中國工商銀行」,最近幾週面臨越來越大壓力,它們需要避免讓投資者面臨30億元人民幣的損失,而這筆投資產品,是通過「工商銀行」出售給投資者的。









採訪/易如 編輯/宋風 後製/蕭宇

Shadow Banking Money Shortage More Severe;

Investors Lose Everything

Some customers who bought investment products at banks

and insurance companies in Beijing recently complained

angrily to relevant departments that they lost money.

When their investments matured, the banks couldn’t pay

back 1 billion yuan.

The same thing happened to several

rural financial cooperative institutions.

Thousands of people appealed as they couldn’t cash

hundreds of thousands yuan in bank savings.

Is this new evidence that China’s shadow banking

has a money shortage issue? Please see the report.

More than 10 investors gathered in front of a public security

branch in Beijing on January 22, asking the public security

to help getting their hard-earned money back.

Beijing citizen He Yujing bought 1 million yuan in the funds

of Beijing Roll-In Investment Co. that was estimated to have

10% yield per year.

He said the reason he bought the product was because

its guarantee for the principal and interest.

But it hasn’t returned the profit it promised

and not even the principal amount.

Wan Xia, an investor in Chongqing City also indicates that

Beijing Roll-In didn’t return anything to them.

The target of Beijing Roll-In includes customers of China

Ping An Insurance Co. Ltd., China Construction Bank,

Minsheng Bank, Industrial Bank, and other large institutions.

The investors also said the investment company has a risk

disclosure on their prospectus that says the principal and

interest of the investors will be guaranteed by a third party.

Beijing Roll-In has funds totalling 1 billion yuan invested in

several public housing projects supported by Chengdu City.

The Beijing Roll-In case is not a single case

in China’s shadow banking system.

Several dozen rural financial cooperative institutions were

opened in Salt City of Jiangsu Province in recent years.

The local agricultural department is the unit

to approve these cooperative institutions.

At the beginning, the cooperative institutions promised

depositors that they get not only interest but also a bonus

when the deposit matures, which attracted many local

residents to deposit money there.

But the cooperative institutions started to have

money shortage since the beginning of last year.

A lot of the cooperative institutions have shut down,

because they have no money to pay back.

In fact, some investment companies approved by local

government in Salt City have also had problems.

Those companies closed, and

the responsible persons escaped.

Local residents have started to seek

explanations from the government.

In a report published on January 16, analyst of Bank of

America Merrill Lynch says breach of contract among

shadow banking seems to appear more and more often.

For instance, China Credit Trust Co. and Commercial Bank

of China have had more and more pressure in recent weeks.

They need to avoid 3 billion yuan of loss to the investors.

Those investment products were sold

to investors via Commercial Bank.

Ren Zhongdao, Mainland financial analyst:

“Localized, regional crisis has already begun.

Take trusts as an example, there were 10 trusts with a pay

out crisis, and there’s another one by the end of the month.

The risk has already become very big."

Ren indicates that China’s bank financing has reached

1.1 billion yuan.

If they can’t pay money back, everyday peoples’ loss

will be extremely big.

But on the Bankruptcy Ordinance of banks, not open to

the public, it says banks are not responsible to financial

products, and investors are at their own risk.

Mainland Guangfa Securities published a research report

at the end of 2012 “Shadows under the sunshine – China’s

shadow banking analysis".

This says the total size of China’s shadow banking is around

30 trillion yuan, based on Guangfa Securities estimation.

Facing such a big size of shadow bankings, however,

China Banking Regulatory Commission chief adviser,

Shen Liantao, said last September, “China’s shadow

banking risk is completely under control.

There are some individual problems,

but there’s no problem with the system."

Civil investment consultant Mr. Zheng: “Recently the Audit

Commission published a notice that local governments are

responsible to pay back more than 2 billion yuan of debts.

That’s an astronomical figure. Where do they get 2 billion?"

Mr. Zheng indicates the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

local governments unite with banks to pass on the debts to

security companies, trusts holdings, credit unions and other

third parties. But those third parties will have problems first.

Mr. Zheng believes that financial risks due to local debts

are inevitable.

Professor Xie Tian at School of Business in University of

South Carolina points out that shadow banking and local

debts are destined to break.

The time of their bankruptcy is when the CCP high level

decides to give up, or when it wants to take care of it but

has no strength. And this day is destined to come.

Interview/YiRu Edit/SongFeng Post-Production/XiaoYu
