【禁聞】黨媒「揭密溫家寶家世」 背後有何玄機



















採訪編輯/李韻 後製/陳建銘

Communist Media Reveals Wen Jiabao’s Lineage

Following the recent Hong Kong media’s publishment

of a letter written by former Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao

stating he would never abuse power for personal gain,

the Communist media also revealed secrets of the

Wen family scholarly lineage in a recent article.

Consequently, there is a significant amount of buzz

regarding the recent media focus on Wen Jiabao.

On the 18th, Hong Kong newspaper Ming Pao published

former Communist Prime Minister Wen Jiabao’s

personal letter to former Hong Kong NPC delegate

Ng Hong-mun.

He described his post-retirement life and indicated

that he has never abused power for personal gain.

In October 2012, a New York Times expośe revealed

Wen’s family involvement in acquisition of wealth.

Ng Hong-mun told Ming Pao that after 10 years of holding

office, it is inevitable political opponents will attack,

and that the rumors about Wen Jiabao were “groundless.”

He believes that the media attack was deliberately planned.

On the same day, ifeng.com also published a letter said

to be from Wen to Ng Hong-mun which read,

“I did not and will not abuse the position of authority

for personal gains.”

On the afternoon of the 19th, Communist media published

an article regarding a Wen family secret,

emphasizing scholarly roots in Wen’s family.

Beijing political analyst Hua Po believes these media reports

are reponses to all the recent negative news about Wen Jiabao.

Hua Po, Beijing politics analyst: “The report from People’s

Daily seemed to be a protective measure on the part

of Xi Jinping towards Wen Jiabao.

I believe prior to the resolution of Zhou Yongkang’s case,

these attacks will continue from Zhou’s cronies, such as

Standing Committee members of the regime and members

of the Politburo such as Zeng Qinghong, Luo Gan,

Jiang Zemin and Xu Caihou."

Since Xi Jinping came to power, anti-corruption has

become a serious point of contention for the Jiang faction.

Just at the end of last year, Li Dongsheng, who was director

of the 610 Office, a department under the Political and Legal

Affairs Committee (PLAC) was sacked, and it has been

widely reported that PLAC secretary Zhou Yongkang

has been detained and interrogated.

U.S. based Epoch Times newspaper was informed

that a task force was initiated by the Central Commission

for Discipline (CCDI) to investigate key figures involved

in Zhou Yongkang’s case.

They are the former Politburo Standing Committee members

Jiang Zemin, Zeng Qinghong, and Luo Gan.

Immediately after the news, Wen Jiabao was once again

the object of a frenzied media attack.

On Jan. 15, overseas Chinese websites reported that

the CCDI set up two individual task forces.

“Task II” refers to the investigation of the Zhou Yongkang

scandal, and the other, known as task I, is to investigate

the corruption case of Wen Jiabao』s family.

So far, no one has been detained for investigation

in Wen’s case.

Liu Yinquan, former history professor: “When Wen Jiabao

was Premier, his insistence on world values and reform

offended certain people, particularly the conservative forces

who oppose reform.

They have tried everything possible to defame Wen Jiabao’s

family and destroy Wen."

Former history professor Liu Yinquan believes the purpose

of ruining Wen is to deal blows to party reformists.

It warns those who intend to reform of the consequences

of promoting reform like Wen Jiabao.

Hua Po: “In a joint effort, Wen Jiabao, Xi Jinping

and Hu Jintao brought down Bo Xilai.

Now Xi Jinping is targeting the vested interest groups

and Zhou Yongkang.

None of these people likely face death.

The exposure of Wen’s negative secrets

is their way to fight back."

Hua Po analyzes that the Jiang faction has released

negative information about Wen to draw the public’s

attention away from them and send a warning

to Xi Jinping regarding his “catch the big tiger” campaign.

Late last year when Reuters reported that Zhou Yongkang

may be investigated, their source said, “It would look strange

to only go after Zhou Yongkang and ignore

the Wen family."

Since the take down of Li Dongsheng at the end of last year,

sources say Li Dongsheng has spent a huge amount of assets

to feed information to foreign media to specifically attack

political opponents.

After the Chongqing incident, under the instruction of Zhou

Yongkang and Zeng Qinghong, Li Dongsheng deliberately

released a large amount of dirt to foreign media

for the purpose of attacking the central leadership –

Xi Jinping, Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, and Ling Jihua.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/Chen Jianming
