

【新唐人2014年01月04日訊】外界盛傳周永康被「雙規」後,日前香港媒體又爆出周永康親信被逮捕和行動受到限制的消息。外界認為, 這些不斷釋放出來的消息,是中共高層在全面清除周永康勢力的同時,為公開宣佈逮捕周永康,及如何定罪周永康在做準備和收集證據。













採訪/李韻 編輯/劉惠 後製/黎安安

Flames Spread through Zhou Yongkang’s Network

Following Zhou Yongkang’s downfall, Hong Kong media

recently reported the arrest of his cronies.

The series of arrests are believed to be a prelude to the official

claim of Zhou Yongkang’s arrest and conviction.

Hong Kong media quoted sources as saying, Zhou Yongkang’s

so-called son, Kong Tao, was arrested on December 29.

The Communist regime has not made an official announcement

on his arrest, nor on Zhou Yongkang’s arrest.

Another Hong Kong media also reported on rumors in Jiangsu.

Sources revealed Jiangsu Provincial Party Secretary Luo Zhijun

has been limited in activity, and the fate of Nanjing Municipal

Secretary Yang Weize is also at stake.

Zhao Yuanming, Chinese senior legal expert: I believe their

arrest or restricted mobility is associated with Zhou Yongkang.

The regime is collecting evidence on corruption.

Once they are put under house arrest or detained, locals would

know because they have not been seen for days or simply been

taken away from work.

Before all is settled, the regime will neither negate nor confirm

any alleged information.

In March 2012, Hong Kong media revealed that Wang Lijun

tried to seek political asylum in the United States Consulate in

Chengdu, and, finally agreed to go out by himself is

because of Kong Tao, passing Wang a secret written guarantee

ensuring Wang’s safety and avoiding punishment.

For a while, Zhou Yongkang had refused to turn Wang Lijun in

to the Central Commission for Discipline.

Accordingly, Wang knew Zhou and Kong in Panjin, Liaoning.

Wang and Kong have a 20 year friendship, and they made a lot

of “trading deals" with Zhou Yongkang.

Zhou was promoted from Daqing Oilfield to Liaoning in 1970.

In 1983, Zhou became director of Liaohe Petroleum Exploration

Bureau and the party secretary and mayor of Panjin City.

Over the years, Wang Lijun gathered information on Zhou and

Kong Tao’s embezzlement.

Part of it was handed in to the US Consulate.

It is believed this was the reason why Zhou had Kong Tao to

persuade Wang’s voluntary leave of the U.S. consulate.

Zhao Yuanming: Zhou Yongkang’s case is huge. He is said to

have embezzled over hundreds of billion involving a network

of people’s collective activities.

It was not done just by one or two persons, who embezzled

one or two billion at a time.

This criminal network will take time to verify.

An exclusive report from the Epoch Times revealed that among

Wang Lijun’s materials handed to the U.S. consulate are the

corrupt evidence of high officials, the coup plan of Bo Xilai

and Zhou Yongkang, and the persecution of Falun Gong

practitioners, in particular, the live organ harvesting on

Falun Gong practitioners.

Zhao Yuanming: This flame of Zhou Yongkang’s

case will continue.

Zhou Yongkang, is not the highest leader.

There are pushing hands behind him.

Jiang Zemin is not the sole pushing hand.

This flame will continue and completely break the rule of

‘no charge against the Standing Committee’.

As for Luo Zhijun, overseas website Boxun had earlier

reported that Luo Zhijun was being investigated for his

relation to Zhou Yongkang.

Zhou had promised the position of Minister of Public Security

to Luo. Luo Zhijun and Yang Weize had transferred huge

amounts of assets to Zhou previously.

Liu Yinquan, a former history professor: The coup plan

between Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang can not be tolerated.

The investigation will continue and expose other crimes.

Many unscrupulous conducts have certainly been carried out.

Kong Tao is a native of Panjin city.

He served as the legal representative of the Beijing Asia Hotel,

founded in 1986 with registered capital of $16 million.

He later became a senior leader in the

State Security Department.

The sources say that Kong Tao is key to the chain reaction

in the Wang Lijun incident, Bo Xilai’s sacking, and

the Chongqing coup plan.

Kong Tao is the focus of the next episode.

As to the depth of Zhou Yongkang’s crimes, only his so-called

son, Kong Tao would know best.

Interview/LiYun Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/LiAnan
