【禁聞】聖誕日 兩國的命運發生重大轉折








1989年12月21號,當齊奧塞斯庫在十萬人集會上情緒激昂的發表演講時,突然,廣場某個角落喊出了一聲:「打倒齊奧塞斯庫!」 一石激起千層浪,頓時萬眾齊呼。一場「革命」就這樣在齊奧塞斯庫的眼皮底下爆發。最終,在軍隊與民眾的聯合下,齊奧塞斯庫和他的妻子被亂槍處決。










採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/周天

Past Communist Regimes Collapsed On Christmas Day

This year’s Christmas Day has passed, but people are

still in the joyful atmosphere.

Traditionally, Christmas Day is an annual commemoration

of the birth of Jesus Christ.

However, there are two countries’ fates which changed

on Christmas Day.

December 25 becomes a significant meaning

for the people in the two countries.

On December 25, 1989, Romania’s communist

regime collapsed.

The former president Nicolae Ceausescu and his

wife were executed.

On Dec. 25, 1991, the former president of Soviet Union

Mikhail Gorbachev resigned; the biggest communist

regime collapsed.

Both dictatorship regimes collapsed on Christmas Day.

Since then, Christmas Day became the most significant

day for the people of the two countries.

People commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ, meanwhile,

celebrating the rebirth of their countries and the end of

authoritarian rule.

The two countries’ common factor is that the communist

dictatorships were overthrown by their own people.

It happens like the old Chinese saying: “Lose the common

aspirations of the people, lose the world."

Sources say that the former Romania had established a more

detailed system than the Soviet Union.

It includes national police system, surveillance system

and ruthless rule, which outraged people.

Once in a clash between civilians and police, the police fired

their guns on the people.

It triggered a mass protest and parade against the regime.

On Dec. 21, 1989, Ceausescu gave speeches at a gathering

of 100,000 people in a square. Suddenly, one person in the

crowd shouted: “Down Ceausescu!"

All the people in the square responded positively.

The revolution broke out under Ceausescu’s nose.

In the end, the army joined the civilians, Ceausescu and his

wife were shot to death by many guns.

The former Soviet Union has also lost peoples’ hearts.

On Aug. 19, 1991, the Soviet Union communist party

tried to come back and plotted a coup.

However, the coup was jointly resisted by the people,

military and majority of communist party members,

three days later the coup was defeated.

Zhong Weiguang, Germany-based expert on totalitarianism:

“Before the Soviet Union』s collapse, among the people,

it formed a strong denouncing communist movement.

People have abandoned the communist party already."

Some people summarized 10 phenomenons

before the Soviet Union’s collapse.

In Mainland China, these phenomena were more displayed.

There are many similarities in current China compared

with the former Soviet Union before it collapsed.

For example, before the Soviet Union’s collapse,

there were more than 200,000 bloodshed protests

happening each year.

The GDP increasingly raised, the people’s living standard

constantly dropped; inflation was severe.

The communist officials commonly became corrupted.

High-level officials have special supplements.

The amount of maintaining stability funds

was similar to the national defense fees.

Large-scale water conservation projects were built,

causing unprecedented natural ecological disasters.

Zhong Weiguang: “The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

currently is similar to the Soviet Union in 1989.

All the damage caused by the CCP that Chinese people have

been through means that Chinese people now have seen even

more of their humanity, society, traditions and environment

completed destroyed by the CCP.

Actually in China, there are more conditions of the CCP

collapsing than the Soviet Union in 1989."

Compared to the former Soviet Union and Romania,

the CCP is facing more complaints from its people.

Zhong Weiguang: “Peoples’ determination to abolish

the communism in the Soviet Union, has existed in China.

Also in China, people openly express: “Down the CCP", their

resistance of the CCP, protests and curses, happened everywhere.

The current CCP has faced more atmosphere of collapse

than the Soviet Union and former Germany."

On Christmas Day, petitioners from many provinces including

Shanghai, Henan, Jiangsu and Guizhou gathered in Beijing.

They protested against the miscarriages of justice.

On the same day, more than one thousand petitioners

held a protest in front of Shanghai town hall.

Some people wore petition clothes with words written on:

“Down, Overthrow, Eliminate CCP Bandit".

Comparing with the former Soviet Union,

the CCP is even worse.

It is predicted that the CCP is on the top of the volcano,

having run into a dead end, and facing the eve of it’s collapse.

Interview & Edit/ZhangTianyu Post-Production/ZhouTian
