【禁聞】李東生落馬 百度解禁法輪功真相


【新唐人2013年12月23日訊】李東生落馬 百度解禁法輪功真相

中共前政法委書記、政治局常委周永康的親信——公安部副部長李東生,傳出被調查後,大陸最大的搜索引擎《百度》,12月22 號,解禁了李東生和他的前任——中共中央「610辦公室」主任劉京,以及周永康的前任——中共中央政法委書記羅幹,參與迫害法輪功的部分信息。

記者在《百度》輸入「李東生 活摘」搜索後,結果顯示,第一條是「涉周永康政變的中南海重要人物名單」,出自《大紀元》媒體報導。

第二條就是「正在中國上演的政治清算」,來自《新唐人電視臺》。底下小字還出現:全球百萬人呼籲制止中共活摘;港媒:涉周永康案 曹建明、李東生將被調查。

用「李東生 偽火」作為關鍵詞搜索,顯示結果的前幾條,也是《新唐人電視臺》揭露李東生導演「天安門自焚偽案」的相關報導。


187名上海訪民日前聯名簽署,歡迎聯合國人權理事會「法律和實踐中對婦女的歧視問題工作組」 訪問上海,訪民們希望有機會同工作組自由交流,或者請工作組關注自己的個案。不過,他們的希望已經落空,根據中共喉舌媒體公布的行程,這個代表團已經在19號結束訪華。








Li Dongsheng Sacked and Baidu Lifts Ban on Falun Gong

Former Politburo Standing Committee, Zhou Yongkang’s

crony, Vice Minister of Public Security, Li Dongsheng was

recently sacked then put under investigation.

On Dec. 22, the Chinese search engine, Baidu, lifted the

ban on some words expressing the truth of the persecution

of Falun Gong practitioners.

Information was available about the involvement of officials

such as Li Dongsheng, current 610 Office director, Liu Jing,

former 610 Office, and former secretary of the Central

Political and Law Commission, Luo Gan.

With words, “Li Dongsheng and live organ harvesting” the

first hit on the Internet was an Epoch Times report entitled,

“List of Zhongnanhai officials involved in Zhou Yongkang’s

coup plan."

The second was NTD TV report, “The political liquidation

is staging in China".

Keywords underneath the subject line also shows the hit:

“Millions of people call on ending of live organ harvesting

by the Communist regime, Hong Kong media, involved in

Zhou Yongkang’s case, Cao Jianming and Li Dongsheng

will be investigated.”

With the key words, “Li Dongsheng false fire," the search

results displayed relevant reports from NTD TV on

the Tiananmen false self-immolation.

Shanghai Petitioners Sign Welcome Letter

toUN Human Rights Team

A letter addressed to the Working Group on the issue of

discrimination against women in law and in practice

(WG DAW), the UN Human Rights, was recently signed

by 187 Shanghai petitioners.

Petitioners hoped to communicate with the Working Group

during their first visit in Shanghai, abo their individual

grievances. Unfortunately, according to the regime’s media,

this Working Group has left China on Dec. 19.

According to Voice of America, these petitioners were very

disappointed at missing the opportunity to meet with the

UN Human Rights group.

The report says these petitioners expressed hope of receiving

legal help from the UN and international community.

This reflects how the petitioners have lost confidence and

trust in the current regime justice system.

Thousand of Fujian Workers Protest Against Unpaid Wages

On Dec. 21, thousand of workers at Fuqing City, Fujian,

blocked the gate to the China Nuclear Industry Fifth

Construction Corporation to protest against unpaid wages.

According to Chinese Jasmine Revolution website report,

two police officers arrived at the scene and started lashing out.

It sparked public anger and hundreds of workers surrounded

the police. At times, the situation was out of control.

Finally, people left when the general manager of the company

signed an assurance stating that wages will be handed to the

workers by the end of December.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
