【禁聞】出口飆升有玄機 偷運熱錢入境



美國《華爾街日報》12月9號報導說,中國大陸出口虛報發票的情形,在一年之前也曾經發生。而今年 11月份的出口價值同比飆升了12.7%,和使用人民幣進行貿易融資增加,讓一些分析師擔憂企業故伎重演。





大陸銀行間資金持續緊張的狀況仍未緩解,相關利率與往年相比大幅升高。 12月9號,據上海銀行間同業拆放利率(Shibor)網站顯示,隔夜利率已經達到3.6200%,而在2012年12月10號,隔夜利率僅為2.2490%。

另外,人民幣兌美元即期匯率9 號達到6.0715,再創新高。同一天,人民幣兌美元匯率中間價報6.1130,較前一跤易日繼續大幅上漲102個基點,也再創新記錄。業內人士表示,人民幣匯率本輪升勢可能仍將持續,而境內外匯差、和利差,已經引得更多熱錢通過貿易渠道回流大陸,這個跡象愈發明顯。







採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/李勇

Dramatic Rise in China Exports Results from Imported Hot Money

Last Sunday, China issued its November

export figures, which showed a dramatic rise.

Some observers attribute the key drive is higher export

values that are fraudulently declared by exporters.

This is a crucial method for transferring laundered

money into China by evading regulations.

International media reported that there is a

significant interest gap between China and

overseas, which attracts pervasive hot money.

The Chinese Communist Party’s wall for controlling

capital has become increasingly full of holes.

According to a Wall Street Journal report on

December 9, fiddling invoices for higher export

values occurred one year ago in China.

This November’s exportation figure was

12.7% higher in comparison to last month.

The increase of trade finance by Renminbi suggests to

some analysts that fiddling export invoices has recurred.

Overall, Chinese interest rates are

higher than other countries in Asia.

This strongly stimulates investors to borrow overseas

money and then to invest in Mainland China.

Duan Shaoyi, Assistant Director of Beijing Unirule

Institute of Economics: “In those countries with

developed market, loan interest rates are only 2-4%.

In China, it’s 6-12%. Similarly, overseas deposit

interest rates are less than 1%, whereas in

China it’s 3.15% for a one year team deposit.

Therefore, such a significant interest gap is one

of the key reasons to drive hot money to flow in."

Duan points out that most western

countries have a real market economy.

Their prices are determined by the market.

However, China is not a real market economy, and

hence capital prices are interfered by the government.

On particular, governmental regulations on land

resources and capital twist the market prices.

So the prices in China are not real ones.

Duan Shaoyi: “High interest rates result from

China’s regulations on the financial market.

This causes a serious shortage of the capital

supply, and difficulties for medium and small

sized enterprises obtaining loans from the bank.

The Chinese Central Government would rather buy

American bonds than lend money to Chinese companies.

Furthermore, the companies are not

allowed to use their foreign currency.

All of these produce an artificial shortage of capital."

Capital shortage tensions among

China’s banks are still not yet resolved.

The relevant interest rates greatly

rise compared to previous years.

December 9, Shibor website showed

overnight interest rate achieved 3.62%.

It was 2.249% on December 10, 2012.

In addition, the spot exchange rate of RMB to USD

on December 9 touched a new record 6.0715.

There was a median exchange rate of RMB

to USD 6.1130, which rose around 102 basis

points compared with the last trading day.

This was also a new record.

Financial practitioners say that the appreciation

trend of RMB will probably last in the near future.

The differences in exchange rates and interest

rates between domestic and international markets

has already attracted a lot more hot money to

return to Mainland China through trade channels.

The signs are increasingly obvious.

According to Mr Duan, in addition to hot money

making a profit by interest rate differences,

another important reason for false high export

values are tax returns policies for export goods.

The products selling on domestic markets

and overseas markets earn different profits.

This is because sales in the domestic market need to pay

tax, whereas they obtain tax returns in the overseas market.

Duan Shaoyi: “In China, people invent countermeasures

to deal with the policies issued by the government.

Subsidies and smuggling go hand in hand.

For example, tax returns for export cause false

invoices, and high custom duties trigger smuggling.

Actually, the fundamental solution to solving this problem

is to moderately lower and even remove these subsides.

This will allow China to really emerge into the global market."

The Wall Street Journal reports that Chinese companies

innovated a number of tricks to escape capital controls.

They can exaggerate export values, or even smuggle back

those goods after they have been exported through customs.

They can also use credit proof to obtain cheap

capital from banks in Hong Kong, and then transfer

the capital back into the Mainland by packing the

money into financial products until the payment term.

No matter what sort of mechanism

they use, the objectives are same.

They borrow overseas money with a very low interest

rate, and invest the cash in high-profit projects in China.

The Wall Street Journal reports that the significant

difference of interest rates between domestic markets

and international markets triggers investors to

pervasively exploit the loopholes in capital control.

As long as there is the chance of rapid making money,

hot money will continue to find its ways across the border.

The report cites the conclusions

by ANZ Bank expert Liu Ligang:

“To reduce interest rates might be the only way for

the CCP to deal with the pressure of capital flowing in."

However, this would plunge the

Mainland Central Bank into a dilemma.

At the moment, it is increasing interest rates

to hit lasting over-investment and the

accumulation of very large scale debts.

Interview & Edit/QinXue Post-Production/LiYong
