【禁聞】朝鮮「攝政王」被抓 中朝關係將動盪?


【新唐人2013年12月11日訊】8號,朝鮮召開勞動黨中央政治局擴大會議,宣佈朝鮮最高領導人金正恩的姑父張成澤(Jang Song Thaek),犯有反黨反革命行為,已解除他一切職務,並開除他的黨籍。而張成澤是輔佐金正恩接班的「攝政王」,素來與中共關係密切,這一事件是否會影響中、朝未來的關係?我們來看看專家的分析。





《德國之聲》專訪韓國首爾「阿登納基金會」的專家艾甚保恩(Norbert Eschborn),他表示:近兩年來,朝鮮有許多曾經權傾一時的軍方和黨內領導人失蹤。今天看來,他們恐怕是在金正恩鞏固權力的過程中被去職。

韓國首爾國立大學統一研究院( Institute for National Unification in Seoul)的高級研究員鄭永泰(Jeung Young-tae)也向《德國之聲》表示,張成澤這次是徹底落馬,因為一山容不得二虎。












採訪編輯/常春 後製/李勇

Will Jang Song-thaek’s Arrest Affect China-North Korea Relations?

On December 8, North Korea held a Workers’ Party politburo

assembly and announced that

Kim Jong-un’s uncle Jang Song-thaek has been dismissed

from all his posts and was expelled from the party.

However, Jang is Kim Jong-un’s assistant,

he helped Kim take office.

Jang had a close association with China,

will the move affect the two countries’ relationship?

Let’s take a look.

Jang Song-thaek, age 67, was considered a second man

in North Korea.

He served as a member of Workers’ Party Central Committee,

deputy chairman of the National Defense Commission,

director of Workers Party Central Administration Department,

and has the rank of People’s Army major general.

At end of 2011, when Kim Jong-il, former leader

of North Korea suddenly died, Jang assisted Kim Jong-un,

who at the time was young and lacked political experience,

to take office.

Jang was said to be manipulative of Kim Jong-un.

Two years later, on December 8, Kim chaired

the central meeting.

The meeting announced Jang’s dismissal, stripped him

of all his positions and expelled him from the party.

Jang was publicly arrested at the assembly hall.

On December 9, North Korea news agency KCNA

issued a communiqué.

The communiqué accused Jang of being

a counter-revolutionary, anti-state activities,

and committing betrayal, corruption, drug abuse,

gambling as well as womanizing.

Deutsche Welle (DW) interviewed Norbert Eschborn, expert

at Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Seoul, South Korea.

He said that over the past two years, many North Korean

leaders who had a powerful military and party influence

went missing.

We can tell from today’s events that these people were likely

removed during the process of Kim’s power consolidation.

Jeung Young-tae, senior researcher at the Institute

for National Unification in Seoul, also told DW that

Jang has been completely removed this time, because

“two tigers cannot live on the same mountain.”

South Korea’s media cited intelligence information which

revealed Jang likely was removed last month,

and his two relatives were executed on charges of corruption.

One of his relatives escaped to China

and applied for asylum in South Korea.

South Korea’s YTN news channel reported that this relative,

who controls Jang’s assets, applied for political asylum

in South Korea two months ago.

He stayed at a secret location in China

under South Korean official’s protection.

Sources say that this person knows

Kim Jong-un family’s financial details.

Jang had close contact with the Chinese Communist

Party (CCP). He visited Beijing in 2012.

Will Jang’s downfall affect China and North Korea’s


Dr. Li Tianxiao of Columbia University political science

department says that it won’t have any affect.

Li Tianxiao: “Any changes within North Korea

are small adjustments.

In some way, in the aspect of North Korea wanting

to curry favor to the CCP, it may have some difference.

In broad terms, they still need to listen to the CCP.”

In addition, in North Korea’s wave of purging

Kim Jong-un has consolidated his power.

Li Tianxiao says that actually, Kim Jong-un has always

been supported by the CCP.

At the time when his father took him to visit China, they

expected the CCP high-level to accept Kim Jong-un.

the CCP promised to support him

as North Korean’s successor.

Li Tianxiao: “The both countries had a tacit agreement.

Thus if Kim Jong-un wanted to remove someone

the CCP would have known earlier.

Somehow, Kim Jong-un would give the CCP

some type of hint.

Actually, it has been agreed on by the CCP.”

Li Tianxiao points out that the CCP and North Korea

have the same political pattern.

Their entire political system is consistent.

The method of purging in North Korea

is the same as the CCP’s.

Li Tianxiao: “In the CCP history up until today,

the CCP always uses this way to purge within the party –

through internal struggle it clears out its political

opponents and consolidates the power.

However, it doesn’t do any good for its people.

The people are still suffering and being persecuted.

From this point of view, I will say that China and

North Korea’s relationship will not have major changes.”

The Chinese regime didn’t respond much

about North Korea’s move.

The foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said in a press

conference on December 9 that,

“We have noticed relevant reports.

That is North Korea’s internal affairs.”
