【禁聞】從檢察官到維權律師 唐吉田的選擇












今年10月6號,唐吉田前往黑龍江省雞西市,幫助被強迫拘禁在「洗腦班」的法輪功受害者,而被雞西市國保非法拘禁,引發了律師界和維權人士的抗議和聲援。在各界強烈呼籲下,當局被迫在10月22號將 唐吉田釋放。


採訪/李韻 編輯/張天宇 後製/葛雷

From A Prosecutor to A Human Rights Lawyer: Tang Jitian

In China, there is a very special group of people.

In a society where authorities are higher than the law,

they adhere to their conscience to defend the vulnerable

who are defying the authorities;

They often meet with reprisal, suppression

and even imprisonment.

They are the human rights lawyers, known

as the “rights defenders" to the people

but the state media of the Chinese Communist regime

calls them the “new black five".

Among them, the one believed to be the toughest, who also

suffers the most cruel torture is Tang Jitian.

Chinese Microblogging demonstrates how the Chinese view

rights defender Tang Jitian.

Chinese Internet users describe him as a prosecutor.

He could have had a sound life if he could have simply

ignored others’ suffering.

He became a lawyer to fulfill his passion.

He defended those victims who lost their land due to

illegal expropriation, and he exhausted himself to defend

those who suffer from melamine contamination

and spiritual and religious persecution.

He is the toughest, but also the most brutally tortured lawyer.

His attorney license was revoked, he lost his income,

he can not afford the rent, and he even showed up in Tianjin

with a pair of broken shoes to pay solidarity

to the persecuted.

He is a lawyer adhering to professional ethics,

belief in rule of law, and honesty.

He is Tang Jitian!

What made Tang Jitian decide to give up his job

as a prosecutor to become a human rights lawyer?

Why was his law license revoked?

What type of persecution and torture has he encountered?

Tang Jitian (recording): “I believe helping others defend

their rights is in fact helping to defend my own rights.

If people with the capability only stay in their own circle

and ignore what’s surrounding us, that puts everyone in danger.

Because when we don’t help those who are suffering,

the same suffering could manifest and happen to us."

Tang Jiian began his criminal prosecution job

at the Procuratorate of Yanbian, Jilin in 1988.

As a prosecutor, he spent seven years handling hundreds

of cases of major indictment.

It is also during those years when Tang Jitian realized

how the injustice and corruption has filled the entire

justice system due to the abusive manipulation

of the authorities.

Should he uphold fairness and justice?

Should he work for the interests of the ruling class?

These questions resulted in numerous sleepless nights,

anxiety and confusion for Tang Jitian.

Finally, Tang Jitian decided to give up on his prosecutor job.

At the end of 2004, he passed the bar exam.

He resigned from his post in 2005 and became a lawyer.

In the following years, Tang Jitian took the side of the victims

of forced demolitions, those with governmental grievances,

melamine and AIDS, and engaged in activities of calling

on the abolition of re-education through labor and promoting

elections in the Beijing Lawyers Association.

He became a thorn in the side of the CCP authorities.

He has since been constantly suppressed, and even forced

to leave his firm in 2008.

Ever since Tang Jitian began to defend cases of Falun Gong

practitioners’ illegal detention, he has suffered even more brutal persecution by the authorities.

In April 2010 Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice revoked

his license to practice law.

Since 2009, he has been “forced to disappear" every year.

On February 16, 2011, during the CCP campaign

to suppress the Jasmine Revolution, Tang Jitian

was kidnapped by the Beijing police with black hoods.

During this period of absence, Tang Jitian was put through

sleep deprivation, corporal punishment, cold AC air blowing,

abusive cursing and beatings, enforced brainwashing,

and he was forced to practice army poses.

When he was released, he lost 15 pounds and contracted

severe tuberculosis, which is still not cured.

Tang Jitian (recording): “Since I began (offering)

legal services to those who are disliked by the government,

I have often been harassed in various forms,

such as forced disappearances, detention, and various

tortures during the detentions at the police station

or administrative detention."

October 6, Tang Jitian went to Jixi City, Heilongjiang

Province, to help Falun Gong practitioners who were

forcibly detained at a brainwashing center.

He was illegally detained by the Jixi City state security.

Through protest and solidarity led by other lawyers

and activists, Tang Jitian was released on October 22.

All the brutal suppression and persecution did not deter

Tang Jitian.Rather, his righteousness and ethics have touched

many more.He is called the “conscience lawyer," and the number one

lawyer whose license is being revoked in China.

Interview/LeeYun Edit/ZhangTianyu Post-production/GeLei
