【禁聞】全球80萬人簽名 譴責中共活摘器官


【新唐人2013年11月13日訊】總部設在美國首都華盛頓的「醫生反對強制摘取器官組織」(Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting, DAFOH)公布,截至10月底,全球有歐、美、澳、亞四大洲32個國家的超過80萬民眾簽名,要求呼籲聯合國人權事務高級專員給中共施壓,「立即停止強摘法輪功學員器官」。













「醫生反對強制摘取器官組織」發起的反活摘器官中英文連署書,在12月10號前,也就是今年的「國際人權日」前,將會寄給聯合國人權事務高級專員納維皮萊(Navi Pillay)女士。

連署書可以在以下網站下載( http://www.organcare.org.tw/ )。

採訪編輯/常春 後製/李勇

800,000 People Worldwide Sign Petition Against Live Organ Harvesting

According to the organisation Doctors Against Forced Organ

Harvesting, (DAFOH), by end of October 2013, there

have been more than 800,000 signatues on their petition.

The petition is calling for an immediate end to forced

organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners in China.

Signatures have been received from across

Europe, the Americas, Australiasia and Asia.

The petition from the Washington-based DAFOH

is to the UN Human Rights High Commissioner.

DAFOH was founded by medical doctors, from

all over the world, and with varying specialties.

Full membership is intended for medical doctors

and medical professionals, who recognize the

necessity to stop illegal organ harvesting practices.

Non-medical professionals are

able to register as supporters.

In July of this year, DAFOH launched a global campaign.

It calls on the UN Human Rights High Commissioner,

and the international community to help to stop forced

organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China.

This is in order to uphold international human right principles.

The petition requests the UN Human

Rights High Commissioner to;

call upon China to immediately end forced organ

harvesting from detained Falun Gong practitioners;

initiate further investigations, which lead to the prosecution

of the perpetrators involved in this crime against humanity;

call upon the Chinese government to immediately

end the brutal persecution of Falun Gong.

This persecution is one of the root causes of the

forced organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners.

Dr Wang Wenyi is a volunteer, working to support the petition.

She explains that by the end of October this

year, 800,000 people have signed the petition.

She estimates that by end of November,

there will be over one million signatures.

Dr Wang Wenyi: “The main purpose is to bring awareness

to more people, about this crime against humanity.

It is also to try to stop such a crime against humanity,

and to call on the UN Human Rights High Commissioner

to engage in an independent and serious investigation of

live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners in China."

The brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners was

initiated by former Communist Party leader Jiang Zemin.

It is estimated that during the 14 years since it began, tens

of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners throughout China

have been killed for the purpose of live organ harvesting.

This is deemed to be unprecedented during history, in terms

of the number of people, area, time and degree of brutality.

Since March 9, 2006, the New York based World

Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun

Gong (WOIPFG) has collected a large amount of evidence.

This evidence comes from a variety of sources, including the

Political and Legislative Affairs Committee, organ transplant

centers in China, as well as military and armed police hospitals.

It also includes evidence from local governments

in 30 provinces, metropolitan cities, and

autonomous regions in Mainland China.

Collectively, the evidence builds a comprehensive picture

that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been

systematically harvesting organs from living Falun Gong

practitioners, as well as experimenting on their bodies.

Dr Wang Wenyi: “There has been a lot of evidence

that demonstrates live organ harvesting from

Falun Gong practitioners while in detention.

Since it was exposed in 2006, there have

been three congressional hearings in the U.S.

However, international media seems

largely silently on the issue."

Wang Wenyi highlights that this international silence

has indirectly allowed these crimes to continue.

She believes that continued silence will

also act as an encouragement to the CCP.

Live organ harvesting is considered to

identify a new bottom line of morality.

Two independent media, NTD Television, and

The Epoch Times, have been working against

this media silence, and are reporting the issue.

Over 10 years of non-stop investigative reporting

on the persecution has allowed more people to

become aware of this crime against humanity.

Hu Zongyi, staff scientist, National Institute of Health:

“Falun Gong practitioners’ efforts help to disclose

these facts are certainly frightening the CCP.

The CCP reports that transplant

tourism has decreased since 2007.

I believe it’s because they fear

the consequences of their actions.

This indicates the significance and potential

effect of an investigation, and the supportive

voices from the international community."

DAFOH’s petition will be collectively delivered

to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,

before December 10, or “Human Rights Day".

This petition can be downloaded at the following

website; (http://www.organcare.org.tw/).

Interview Edit/ChangChun Post-production/LiYong
