【禁聞】超生罰款知多少 社會撫養費成糊塗賬









長期研究計劃生育的獨立學者何亞福曾向《投資者報》表示,從1980年到現在,如果平均每個超生人口,徵收的超生罰款為一萬元, 1.5億至2億超生人口的罰款總額應該是1.5萬億至2萬億元。



2013年8月3號,大陸《經濟觀察報》在《一個百強縣的財政「斂財術」》 這篇文章裡披露,河南省駐馬店西平縣所有的行政單位,有超生子女的職工,每人要再次繳納高達數萬元的社會撫養費,徵收總額達5億元。


採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/施怡君

Use of China’s “Social Upbringing Fee" Remains Unclear

China’s “social upbringing fee" is part of the

Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) one-child policy.

It was formerly know as “one-child policy violation charge".

Chinese civilians have made stronger calls

for announcing the use of collected fines.

Recently, the CCP National Audit Office announced that

about 1.627 billion Yuan of “social upbringing fees" had

been illegally collected by local governments in 9 provinces.

This number is widely believed to be an underestimate.

The information on use of “social upbringing

fees" is not organized or transparent.

On September 18, the CCP Audit Office announced the

auditing results between 2009 and May 2012 of 45 counties

from 9 provinces including Chongqing, Yunnan and Gansu.

Preliminary statistics show that, a total of 1.627 billion Yuan

was illegally collected in the name of “social upbringing fee".

According to the audit, the most serious

problems include the exact number of extra

births being mostly unclear and understated.

There are no unified standards in charging fines.

Local governments have too much operating

space in implementation of policies.

Officials sometimes illegally set proposed fines for their

subordinates, and a large amount of fees are embezzled.

Wu Youshui, lawyer: “Anything off the

account books can never be found by auditors.

The Audit Office can only check vouchers and account items.

Anything that does not enter the account

book cannot be found from those records.

Furthermore, an external account is prepared for such audit

from higher authorities. That one is simply made for outsiders.

There is another internal account

that can only be seen by insiders."

On July 11, Zhejiang lawyer Wu Youshui sent express mail

to 31 provincial or municipal governments of the mainland.

It requested the announcement of income and

expenses from “social upbringing fees" in 2012.

By the end of August, 17 governments had responded

to Wu, and only provided their annual fine amounts.

This totalled over 16.5 billion Yuan.

None of the 31 Family Planning or Financial Departments

provided details of income or expenses requested by Wu.

Wu Youshui: “Manipulation of accounts is

a must, otherwise they cannot be evened.

The reason is that two tasks have to be accomplished

simultaneously by the Family Planning Departments.

First, they have to collect at least a specific amount

of 'social upbringing fees' as required by higher levels.

To collect more fines, they will intentionally

leave people to give birth to extra children.

On the other hand, they have another compulsory task.

This is to control the population

growth below a regulated line.

To accomplish both goals, the only

solution is to cheat on both issues."

Following Wu Youshui, another 14 Chinese female lawyers

requested information from the National Audit Office.

They requested announcing the use

of “social upbringing fees" on September 1.

China Youth Daily also made direct criticisms that

the whole system is still a complete mess to date.

He Yafu, a long-term researcher of one-child

policy, spoke told to 'Investor China' newspaper.

Assume that 10,000 Yuan has been

fined for each extra child since 1980.

A total of 1.5 to 2 trillion Yuan should have been collected

from the 150 to 200 million extra births over these years.

Another scholar, Yang Zhizhu made an estimate according

to the average one-child violation charges of 9 provinces.

About 27.9 billion Yuan is fined

over the whole country every year.

Yang was once an associate professor of

China Youth University for Political Sciences.

He was fired in 2010, due to violation of one-child policy.

He refused to pay the 240,000 Yuan “social upbringing fee"

charged by the district family planning committee.

After that, the court seized Yang’s bank cards for two months,

and forcibly charged that amount of money from the cards.

Cai Shenkun, column writer of BWChinese.com:

“There is no practical way to know the exact number.

Annually, at least tens of billions

are squandered by those officials.

Nobody knows where this has been spent, either

by eating, drinking, playing or embezzling it away."

On August 3, Chinese newspaper “the

Economic Observer" published an article.

“Money-collecting tricks of the Top 100 County’s Government".

The article revealed that, in Xiping County of Henan

Province, employees of all administrative units who

have extra children were forced to pay fines.

This totaled as much as tens of

thousands of Yuan for the second time.

A total of 500 million Yuan was collected by such means.

Wang Ruping, a resident of Xiping County, hanged

herself at her new home in the evening.

Her husband was informed of the extra

40,000 Yuan charge on the same day.

The 33-year-old Wang was a mother of a boy and a girl.
