


8月25號, 大陸各大媒體鋪天蓋地報導了微博名人、知名天使投資人及慈善家薛蠻子(本名薛必群),涉嫌「嫖娼」被警方拘留的消息,引發輿論一片嘩然,甚至分散了民眾聚焦「世紀大案」薄熙來案庭審的關注視線。


大陸專欄政論作家朱健國: 「它是醉翁之意不在酒,它現在實際上是要封殺網民批評的聲音,保護這些貪官,因為按網絡這麼揭露起來,可能政府的每一個官員逃不脫了,像政治局委員薄熙來這些人,都有很多淫亂的那些鬼事情,這樣揭露下去估計最終會揭到中央的領導人身上,出於這種恐懼,它們現在要把網絡上民間反腐的舉報要全部封殺。」








採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/蕭宇

CCP Punishes Influential Online Opinion Leaders

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) state media reported

that China’s online opinion leader Xue Manzi, who has

12 million fans, was recently detained by the police.

This was for allegations of “using prostitution."

This is one in a series of arrests of influential online leaders,

and follows the arrest of Qin Huohuo, Liu Hu and Zhou Lubao.

Overseas commentators believe the CCP’s arrest

of Xue Banzi under allegations of using prostitution

aims at warning influential online celebrities.

It aims to tightening its control, and analysts point

out that these actions can only arouse more anger.

On August 25, China’s major media released a

report on Xue Manzi, whose real name is Xue Biqun.

Xue is a micro-blogger celebrity, as well

as well-known investor and a philanthropist.

He was placed in police custody

under suspicion of “using prostitution."

The news led to a public outcry, and even distracted

their focus from the “trial of the century", that of Bo Xilai.

Information was released by “Pingan Beijing",

Beijing Public Security Bureau’s official microblog.

On August 23, Chaoyang Police arrested

60-year-old Xue Manzi and 22-year old

prostitute Zhang in a residential neighborhood.

The police emphasized that the arrested

was based on a “report from the public".

Many people believed this may

be a CCP plot against Xue Manzi.

Xue’s arrest is related to the Qing Huohuo Case.

Zhu Jianguo, China political columnist: “The

real purpose of this arrest is to suppress online

critical voices, and to protect corrupt officials.

Otherwise, no government official will be spared

from critics, such as the scandals of Bo Xilai.

The CCP is afraid that even high-level officials are exposed.

They want to suppress online reporting of corruption."

During the “Internet Celebrity Social Responsibility Forum"

in early August, Lu Wei, who is the CCP National Internet

Information Office Chairman and former staff of Xinhua

News Agency warned Xue Manzi to “speak cautiously."

“If you do not want respect, I would tear it up."

Within a month, Xue Manzi was

arrested for “using prostitution."

Zhu Jianguo: “It does not want to directly implement a

ban. It slanders these online leaders, then bans them."

Some media professionals have criticized the CCP

authorities as “always adopting shameful means."

Netizens also question why the millionaire Xue Manzi

would use prostitution in a residential neighborhood.

Editor Hu Xijin of Global Times, which is associated

with the state-controlled People’s Daily, expressed

that it is a CCP hidden rule to punish opponents

using allegations of sex scandal and tax scandals.

Hu Xijin warns people that they would be strictly

monitored for challenging the government.

Fan Yanqiong, freelance writer and blogger:

“It definitely suppresses people and scares people.

People want to express themselves, about their

concerns, so it gets at these figures to threaten people."

Recently, online writer Murong Xuecun, who has

over 4 million fans, had his account cancelled.

Online celebrity Qing Huohuo was

detained for “illegal business conduct".

Well-know online news breaker Zhou Lubao

was arrested under “suspicion of extortion."

Xinkuai Paper reporter Liu Hu, used his real

name for a report on CCP Industry and Commerce

General Bureau Vice Chairman Ma Zhengqi.

Liu Hu was detained on August 23 on

“suspicion of making and spread rumors."

All these, together with a “Combating Internet Rumors"

campaign across China, indicate the CCP authorities

are trying to strengthen control of online expression.

Influential online opinion leaders are their main targets.

Zhu Jianguo:"The scope of the suppression

is expanding and has surpassed any limit.

In fact, it signals the second Cultural Revolution.

The arrest of Xue Manzi implies other online

opinion leaders can be arrested as well.

This scope will expand to include all those who criticize the

government. It is to protect officials and suppress the people."

Zhu Jianguo thinks the authorities’ suppression

of free speech might silence people for a while.

But it will eventually break the balance of

the society, and lead to larger-scale protests.

He believes that there will soon be more

people joining this group to tell the truth.
