【禁聞】新西蘭爆毒奶 黨撐「國奶」民不買賬







新西蘭總理約翰‧基(John Key)同一天也在電視節目中做了道歉,同時對今後新西蘭奶業出口情況表示擔憂。另外,新西蘭政府也任命60名官員處理這次事件,提供最新消息給社會大眾知道。








採訪/田淨 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

Contaminated Milk Exposed in New Zealand

Fonterra Group is the world’s largest dairy

processing enterprise, from New Zealand.

Recently, their concentrated whey protein

powder products were suspected to contain

Clostridium botulinum, which causes Botulism.

New Zealand authorities announced a

global recall of 1,000 tons of dairy products.

On August 6, officials were stationed at Fonterra to

ensure information was disclosed on the contamination.

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) state media took

the opportunity to extol the benefits of Chinese milk.

However, Chinese consumers

still do not trust domestic milk.

When food poisoning incidents occur,

foreign companies announce the incident.

The foreign governments also supervised it.

However, Chinese authorities are always trying to cover

up these incidents, and do not supervise investigations.

This has resulted in repeated food poisoning incidents.

Many people believe that it is not only a moral

issue, but also a national institutional issue.

The New Zealand Economic Development

Minister Stephen Joyce commented on August 6.

New Zealand government officials have been stationed

Fonterra office locations in New Zealand and Australia.

He said that this is to ensure Fonterra provide precise

information on Botulism contamination events.

Leading global dairy plant Fonterra first released news

on August 2 that about 400,000 tons of whey protein

materials may be affected by Clostridium botulinum.

This impacts eight clients, with

three being Chinese enterprises.

Fonterra Chief Executive Theo Wiggins held

a press conference in Beijing on August 5.

He publicly apologized to China and other affected

areas, and said it had confirmed that 90% of the

affected products in the market are now secure.

The remaining 10% will be recalled within 48 hours.

Theo Wiggins apologized, and specifically mentioned China.

In the first half of the year, 83.3% of imported

milk powder in China was from New Zealand.

New Zealand Prime Minister

John Key was interviewed on TV.

He apologized on the same day news was released, and

expressed concern for the future New Zealand dairy exports.

In addition, the New Zealand government also

appointed 60 officials to deal with the incident,

and to provide updated information to the public.

Xing Tianxing, Commentator: “At least Chinese

people saw that issues with products overseas were

generally detected by manufacturers themselves.

They immediately began to implement contingency

measures, sincerely apologized, and recalled products.

Once they had detected the problems, they

publicized it to prevent harm to people.

They do not intend to hide anything."

However, CCP state media took the opportunity to

discuss the benefits of using Chinese milk products.

It encouraged people to purchase domestic milk. CCP

state controlled Xinhua News Agency also commented.

Food safety issues exist in foreign and domestic markets,

and people should not blindly trust foreign milk products.

Chinese people did not believe in the propaganda.

Some netizens said that this incident with foreign

milk powder had a preventive recall on products.

Domestic milk incidents are only

reported when someone dies from it.

Netizen “Model Brother" said that the foreign milk

powder contamination is due to lack of supervision.

This is equivalent of negligent homicide.

Chinese domestic milk had Melamine artificially added,

which is intentional, and equivalent to intentional homicide.

Xing Tianxing: “It doesn’t matter how CCP propaganda

suggests the quality of overseas products are poor.

They cannot change Chinese people’s

enthusiasm for buying overseas milk.

After the Sanlu incident, we also know that

poisonous milk problems are still not resolved.

Toxic ingredients were increasingly used.

Generally speaking, the Chinese people have

become more aware that China’s product quality

problems were caused by the CCP system."

From indications on the internet, parents in

China still do not trust domestic infant formula.

Netizen “Miss Feng" commented in a microblog.

Chinese people can only engage in public opinion, which

disrespects foreign milk, and promotes domestic milk.

However, domestic milk quality problems are

covered up, so which mother trusts domestic milk?

Miss Tian: “Foreign monitoring mechanisms are

comprehensive. Testing personnel are responsible.

Once a problem is revealed, they

take the initiative to expose it.

This is not like China, where it is covered up.

In the hospital room after giving birth, many mothers

said they would not buy domestic milk powder at all.

They always been buying online

from international suppliers abroad."

In 2008, the Chinese milk scandal was exposed.

It is known that Fonterra first discovered the

problem of Melamine in Sanlu milk powder.

It reported this to the New Zealand government,

and allowed the public to know about it.

The Chinese people did not dare drink

Chinese produced infant milk from then on.
