【禁聞】律師:唐慧案勝訴 衝擊勞教制度


【新唐人2013年07月16日訊】律師:唐慧案勝訴 衝擊勞教制度





浦志強指出,中共的勞動教養制度沒有任何改革空間,它沒有法律依據,不需法律審判,只是警察一家之辭就可以把人關起來﹔ 被剝奪自由的人士沒有獲得救濟的渠道,必須先去勞教所然後才能再處理。他說,唐慧案再次以實例證明,勞教制度必須廢除。




反垃圾焚燒場計劃 廣州萬人遊行






Tang Hui’s Case Triumphs In Court

On July 15, Hunan’s “petitioning Mom", Tang Hui won

her case against Yongzhou City Detention Center.

This is China’s first successful case,

challenging “reeducation through labor".

Beijing human rights lawyer Li Fangping told Radio France

Internationale this is an influential litigation,

impacting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

planning of getting rid of the forced labor system.

Li Fangping said the CCP has announced it will abolish the

labor camp system, during the two sessions in March this year.

However, carrying out the experimental work and progress

are highly confidential.

Because it is problematic, many people are worried that

the labor camp system would come back to life.

Tang Hui’s case has objectively impacted the

changing labor camp system.

Pu Zhiqiang, Hui Tang’s lawyer, told BBC’s Chinese network,

that it was only the beginning, and there is a lot of work to do.

Pu Zhiqiang said the CCP’s reeducation through labor system

has no room for reform; it has no legal basis.

Without a legal trial, a person can be put behind bars by

a few words from a police officer.

A person can lose his or her liberty with no way to get help.

Pu said Tang Hui’s case proves again that

the forced labor camp must be abolished.

GlaxoSmithKline’s Bribery Case

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK China), one of the largest world drug

manufacturers, was found to have committed bribery in China.

On July 15, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) police announced

that GSK China’s four executives were detained

on suspicion of corruption and bribery.

Coercive measures were also applied to

20 other people involved.

This incident has attracted a lot of attention and analysis,

from high profile mainland media and Mainland netizens.

One netizen said: A lot of foreign companies have been accused

of commercial bribery in China, why was GSKChina caught?

He believes that British leaders have met with the Dalai Lama!

Also, investigations from Europe and the United States are

focused on China’s industry.

Anti-incineration Plant March In Guangzhou

On July 15, many thousands of people protested against

building a waste incineration plant in Guangzhou.

According to Radio Free Asia, Guangzhou City plans to

build a waste incineration plant in Shiling Town.

On Monday, nearly 20,000 people marched on the streets of

Shiling Town, to the town hall with banners, shouting slogans.

They demanded the immediate rescinding of the project.

Authorities dispatched a large number of police along the way.

After officials from town government promised to address

their concerns on Friday, villagers began to leave.

Local villagers said if authorities ignore them and continue

the project, they will take to the streets and protest again.
