【禁聞】習李對法輪功政策是否改變 引關注















採訪/朱智善 編輯/王子琦 後製/孫寧

Questions Raised Over Whether CCP Leadership Will Change Policy on Falun Gong.

The Chinese Communist Party Stock Exchange Executive

Council operated magazine “Lens” has published an article.

The article, in it』s April edition, was

entitled “Waking out of Masanjia.”

It revealed inhuman torture that Liaoning Masanjia

labor camp undertook with female detainees.

International media analysts think that this landmark article

reflects overseas concern over whether the current CCP

leaders will change the persecution policy on Falun Gong.

Associated Press reported that the article,

“Walking out of Masanjia” was the most read

article on the four largest Chinese websites.

Under pressure of public opinion, Liaoning

provincial government announced an

investigation into Masanjia labor camp.

The Central Propaganda Department published

a ban on April 9, stating that media “cannot

reference, report, or comment” on the article.

“Lens” magazine, and all the other news websites

were forced to delete all the related reports.

However, Chinese media didn』t completely stop reporting.

On April 11, “China Women 』s Daily”, operated by the

National Women’s Federation published an interview.

This was with Yuan Ling, the

writer of “Walking out of Masanjia”.

Hong Kong』s Pro-Beijing Phoenix TV also launched an

in depth report that called “Unveil Masanjia』s Secrets“.

On April 19, Liaoning Provincial authorities announced that

the article “Walking Out of Masanjia” is seriously inaccurate.

Xinhua Net and Legal Net quoted the announcement of

Liaoning authorities, saying the article distorted the facts.

In response, Yuan Ling issued a statement

to ask for a hearing with Liaoning Labor Camp.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official website

Guangming Net also published an article on April 20.

This urged the use of legal methods to find out the truth.

BBC analysts thinks this shows that there are

different opinions within the CCP, with regard to

reforming or repealing the labor camping system.

At the same time, the report said Masanjia was tied closely

with CCP pressure on Falun Gong over the last ten years.

Now, Chinese media suddenly unveiled the Masanjia

Labor Camp, which made overseas observers question

whether the Xi-Li leadership will reform Falun Gong policy.

Political commentator Xing Tianxing, highlights that last

year, after the Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai cases, the division

within the CCP leadership has been exposed continuously.

Now it looks like there are also divisions on the issue

of labor camps, and in fact on the issue of Falun Gong.

Xing Tianxing: “This split just happened

during the recent leadership transition.

It highlights the core issue, the persecution on Falun Gong,

and the CCP is now split over how to deal with this issue.

After this split, there are more divisions, as more

contradictions and infighting begin to be revealed.

We can see that the new leadership isn』t

the same as the former one, on many issues.”

Wu Fan, political commentator: “It is because it is related

with some very important issues that harm people』s lives.

This includes the live organ harvesting of Falun Gong.

That』s why the CCP』s internal struggle is very hard.

It』s related to people』s lives. The lost will

be punished, so it』s a very critical struggle.”

However, Wu Fan, considers that from the

current situation, the senior CCP leaders won』t

enter a life or death fight over the Masanjia issue.

But it』s a difficult problem with how to handle what follows.

Wu Fan: “Will the CCP choose to destroy itself

for the sake of Masanjia, or for Falun Gong?

It won』t. But it can』t move if it doesn』t make

progress, and if it doesn』t move the issue away.

So, after one step is taken forward, there is

one backward. I guess the fight is very hard.

It is also possible it will involve the

question of how to deal with Bo Xilai.”

Xing Tianxing points out that the series of

reports on Masanjia is a collective media protest.

Xing Tianxing described that it』s a rare opportunity, and

also a spiritual awakening process for the Chinese media.

Xing Tianxing: “Their professionalism is meeting

with the time when the Xi-Li leadership called

for the reform of the labor reeducation system.

So they have begun to break the prohibitions

of the Central Propaganda Department.

Actually, they know very well about the labor re-education

system, and that the CCP is split on the Falun Gong issue.

Also they saw the new leaders don』t want to apply

the same policy as Jiang Zemin did on Falun Gong.”

Xing Tianxing said that from the reaction and reporting

of the media, many people from different levels are

pursuing more upright, beautiful things in their hearts.

They are trying to change the cold facts through their efforts.
