【禁聞】學者:企業家逃離 會重創中國經濟

















採訪/陳漢 編輯/宋風 後製/鍾元

Entrepreneurs, Intellectuals Leaving China –

Alarm Bells Ring for Chinese Economy

Professor of China Europe International Business School

and Economist, Xu Xiaonian stated that

along with the trend of richer country and poorer people,

Chinese people, including entrepreneurs, have zero sense of security.

The entrepreneurs, the business leaders and movers

leaving China is a tragedy for the Chinese economy.

The Chinese government should think it over.

According to the media, Xu Xiaonian attended

a meeting on April 21.

Xu said that the back bone for continued economic

development is the entrepreneur.

The government needs to consider quickly how to

keep them in China.

Xu says that the most precious resource is the people.

The highest priority to keep them and have them

work here with peace of mind is to protect their intellectual property.

People don’t have any sense of security in an environment

like the Cultural Revolution, when they were arrested and their assets seized and taken away at will.

They would rather emigrate than

make any investment in China.

Xu Xiaonian also calls for intellectual property protection

and a market economy Constitution.

He says that without intellectual property protection,

it is not possible to build a market economy.”

Professor Xie Tian of the University of South Carolina

indicates that China’s political system, legal system, business and natural environment are all degenerating.

On top of that, intellectual property and personal security

is never guaranteed.

These factors force the wealthy and entrepreneurs to leave.

They have enough resources to choose a better life.

Xie Tian: “The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime

caused a huge imbalances of wealth distribution and a society rife with injustice.

The Entrepreneurs don’t have any sense of security.

Each day, they live in constant danger of being

sent to prison for offending someone.

Also, there is no rule of law.

Although there is good law on environmental protection,

the law is not being implemented.

The pollution is so bad that it is not fit for human habitation.

So, of course they want to leave.”

Xie Tian says entrepreneurs leaving China is only

one section of Chinese society leaving.

CCP medium and high ranking officials are also leaving.

Elite intellectuals have left much earlier.

Xie Tian says China’s brain, intelligence and wealth are all


Hurun Wealth Report 2012 indicates there are 1.02 million

people in China with assets of over 10 million yuan.

Over 60,000 of them are billionaires.

85% of those with assets over 10 million yuan and

90% of billionaires have considered sending their children overseas to study.

16% of rich people are applying for emigration and

44% are considering emigration.

Shanghai businessman Mr. Xie: “China has not implemented

a complete free market economy yet.

Because a democratic system has not been set up.

There is no fundamental and systematic guarantee

for private assets and wealth.

Those who have built up a property portfolio and wealth have

the need to seek for security for themselves and their property.”

Mr. Xie also pointed out that entrepreneurs leaving China

is a major blow to China’s economy.

But they have no other choice, but to think about

the safety of their asset and their family.

Financial consultant Chen Ting who immigrated to Canada:

“China’s economic development depends on entrepreneurs, not officials.

Entrepreneurs create wealth and jobs.”

Chen Ting also said if these talents and assets all leave China,

China’s business resource will disappear.

That is the worst tragedy for China.

He said in an interview during CCP’s Two Sessions this year,

“Naked Officials” (corrupt officials stay in China, family

members reside abroad) aren’t allowed move around the world.

However, China has about 1.18 million “Naked Officials.”

Beijing University professor and historian Su Ming

points out, the CCP set up over 20 political movements in the first 30 years of its regime to strengthen its control.

Rich people were tortured, their homes raided and

they were even sentenced to prison and executed.

China’s national economy went bankrupt

as a consequence of these political movements.

In order to save itself, the CCP had to tackle the economy.

Then the children of CCP officials all turn into billionaires.

But Chinese people are still suffering.

Su Ming thinks that only by eliminating the CCP altogether

can Chinese people take the path toward a happy life.
