






雅安地震發生後,大陸民眾也出現抵制捐款情緒。 4月21號,更有網民在新浪微博發起「拒絕捐款運動」。理由也是說,汶川大地震捐款,被部分官員挪用、及被用於非救援及重建用途。

網民談笑古今寫道: 不要再在災難面前呼籲我們捐款了,汶川地震已經過去五年,國際捐款幾十億及幾百億,紅會到底作為了些甚麼?










Hong Kong’s Disaster Relief Causes Debate

On April 22nd, Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying

asked the Finance Committee for 100 million funding for the

Ya’an, Sichuan earthquake-stricken areas.

However, Hong Kong (HK) media reported that some Finance

members and Hong Kong citizens have reservations about using

public funding, even calling for a boycott with private donations.

According to the BBC, one of the reasons for the resistance

was that HK people donated money to build a middle school

after the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan, which was torn

down two years later in May 2012, the rebuilt as real estate.

Hong Kong Economic Times published comments pointing

out the HK Government’s donations were $ 9.0 billion and

private donations were $ 13 billion yuan for the Wenchuan


However, much of the donations were unaccountable in

the reconstruction work.

The HK people’s confidence has been weakened.

Mainland Netizens Refuse To Donate

After Ya’an earthquake, Mainland people boycotted donation

for the earthquake.

They claimed that Wenchuan earthquake contributions

were misappropriated.

After the earthquake, some officials used the money for

non-relief and rebuilding purposes.

One netizen said:” Please don’t ask us to make donations.

Wenchuan earthquake occurred five years ago, but what

happened to the international disaster relief fund?

Tens of billions of yun in the hands of the Red Cross.

Suspicious cases of misappropriation of disaster relief funds

have appeared in all levels of government; too many to count.

Some netizens say, Chinese people make donations to the

disaster area;

Our government however makes donations

to Africa or North Korea.

Donation of blood is free, but the transfusions

they perform are not.

We are anxious to do rescue work, but they only praise

the rescuing work. We refuse to make a donation.

However, a large number of volunteers have tried to

deliver money and goods to these victims.

Unfortunately, many of them have been

intercepted by authorities.

Former Director Of Shanghai Public Security Bureau Investigated

Recently, Hong Kong media disclosed that Zhang Xuebing,

former director of the Shanghai Public Security, was detained

and interrogated.

The May issue of Hong Kong’s “Trends" magazine reported

that on March 26th, Zhgang Xuebing was taken away from his


Six foreign passports in false names were found in his safe,

as well as more than a dozen bank books with pseudo names.

There were also two tickets to Europe via Hong Kong.

It seems Zhang knew his official post had come to an end.

He asked relatives to look for residence in a good living area

in Germany and Australia, to run away to a foreign country.

Yet, this information has not been officially confirmed.
