【禁聞】習近平打的亦真亦假 或涉高層權鬥






大陸民間獨立學者鄭志遙:「你可以說他是政治秀也好,給大家傳遞一種信息,一直在關注著底層老百姓的生活和他們的心裡話。他就傳達了這個很重要的信息。 他讓習總書記給他寫了一個『一帆風順』,那幾個字一看就非常像他的風格。因為他之前的簽名在網上都可以找到。」









不過,香港《蘋果日報》報導說,從時間上來看,習近平打的不太可能。今年3月1日, 習近平一共出席了兩項重要活動,包括在中央黨校發表重要演講和一場國務接待活動。《蘋果日報》認為,習近平的日程安排如此緊湊,應該沒有時間微服私訪。



採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/蕭宇

Confusing Reports on Xi’s Taxi Ride Due to CCP’ Inflight?

Ta Kung Pao, Hong Kong-based newspaper, is widely viewed

as a mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

On Apr 18, it published an exclusive report that the CCP’

general-secretary Xi Jinping took a taxi ride earlier this year to learn about his people’s livelihood.

This news had drawn wide media attention

and was extensively quoted.

The Xinhua News Agency also confirmed the news

on its microblog.

However, Xinhua suddenly made an about-face

after 5pm the same day, calling the news “fake.”

Was Xi Jinping’s taxi ride true or not? The answer is unclear

as the situation has become complicated and confusing.

Chinese scholars believe that power struggle among

party leaders is what can explain the incident.

On Apr 18, Ta Kung Pao published an exclusive report

on page A6, which told the following story.

During the peak traffic hours around 7pm on Mar 1,

a 46-year-old Beijing taxi driver Guo Lixin picked up two passengers near Gulou West Street.

He later recognized that one of them was Xi Jinping

and asked for his autograph.

About 2pm on Apr 18, Xinhua News Agency officially posted

a message on its microblog, saying that the traffic authorities had verified the news.

However, Xinhua suddenly changed its attitude at 5:50pm,

issuing another statement that the report had been confirmed to be fake.

All the reports on the Internet and relevant comments

and microblogs were consequently deleted or blocked.

Ta Kung Pao then also apologized for “its mistake.”

The situation hence became complicated and it was said

that Propaganda Department will make a thorough investigation on the incident.

Chinese Independent scholar Zheng Zhiyao believes

that the news is very likely to be true.

Zheng Zhiyao, Chinese independent scholar: ”You can call

this a political show which attempts to deliver a message

that Xi is always concerned

about his people’s livelihood and feelings.

This news does deliver such an important message.

The taxi driver asked Xi to write down the idiom,

“Everything Goes Smoothly” (in Chinese) for him.

The style of those Chinese characters looks very similar

to Xi’s calligraphy, compared to his previous signatures that can be found online.”

However, if the news is true, why Xinhua denied them?

Why had Ta Kung Pao apologized for publishing them?

Zheng Zhiyao commented that in the past 30 years, CCP’s

propaganda departments had “great achievements” in unifying how news should be reported.

Zheng Zhiyao: ”A newsman should always seek individuality

and truth at the same time. He needs to report the facts, but can do it with unique features of his own.

I think it is completely up to any media

how they would report the news.

The propaganda department attack of Ta Kung Pao

suggests the incident involves rumors and struggle between the two political factions in my opinion.

There are a lot of things happening backstage.”

Wang Zang, Chinese avant-garde poet and freelancer,

agrees that the incident is a result of the intense power struggle inside the party.

Wang Zang, Chinese avant-garde poet and freelancer:

”Official media should be loyal to CCP’s Central Committee.

However, there are different factions, like Jiang Zemin’s,

Hu Jintao’s, or the ones with other backgrounds.

Now Xi Jinping becomes the new leader,

and these groups fight harder with each other.

This leads to further chaos inside the party media.”

Wang Zang remarked that the inconsistent attitudes

of CCP’s mouthpieces show that they are manipulated by politics and have no professional integrity.

The party media frequently deliver confusing messages.

This results from the fact that different factions use them as tools in seeking power and interests.

Wang also describes the whole story as a “decoy.”

He remarked that, even if the party leaders really do

something to learn about people’s livelihood, it can still be only a show to protect the party’s dictatorship.

Wang Zang: ”I don’t care whether the news is true or not.

As Xi becomes the leader of a dictatorship regime,

his acts must serve to maintain the social stability and prevent the party from being overturned.

What Xi is doing is only to help the party linger

on its last breath of life.”

On the other hand, Hong Kong’s Apple Daily said it was

not possible for Xi to take a taxi ride at the reported time.

Xi had attended two events on Mar 1. He presented

an important speech in the Central Party School and attended a national-level reception.

Apple Daily believes that Xi’s tight schedule makes

an incognito travel on the same day almost impossible.

According to Apple Daily’s report, Ta Kung Pao’s President

Jiang Zaizhong had been “politically wrong” in supporting Bo Xilai last year.

Now he is further troubled with the “fake news incident.”

Probably some high party officials will be responsible for these “mistakes.”

As one of the major CCP media in Hong Kong, Ta Kung Pao

was praised by the Liaison Office and the State Council Information Office.

It was rewarded with money for its “excellent performance”

for reporting HK’s Legislative Council Elections in 2012.

Apple Daily said, Ta Kung Pao made its glory in the late

Qing Dynasty, but now it only seeks ingratiation with CCP.

Its last president Wang Guohua is now State Council’ head,

and its incumbent president Jiang Zaizhong was before head of Xinhua News Agency in Inner Mongolia.
