【禁聞】不甘放權 地方政法委對抗中央


















採訪/朱智善 編輯/宋風 後製/肖顏

Hong Kong Media: PLAC Unwilling to Decentralize

Hong Kong Ming Pao Daily News published news about

weakening of the formerly powerful Political and Legislative Committee (PLAC) of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP.)

Quoting Beijing sources the media revealed

that actions are being taken now on the issue.

Within CCP a circular was issued, requiring all PLAC levels

to reduce the intervention in the public security organs, and let the judicial system function more independently.

However, this circular met with resistance

when reaching the PLAC provincial level.

At present, the CCP PLAC secretary Meng Jianzhu

is not a Member of the Politburo’ standing committee,

This has really made the authority of the PLAC decline.

On April 18, Ming Pao Daily News received

a message from Beijing’s PLAC.

I stated that after Meng Jianzhu took charge of PLAC,

he issued a decision of decentralization of all PLAC levels.

However, he encountered resistance at provincial level,

as the local PLAC branches refuse to decentralize.

The message pointed out that inside the Mainland political

and legal system, the “concealing” phenomenon within the upper and lower levels is very strong.

The superior courts often turn a blind eye on the lower

courts’ abuse of power and miscarriages of justice.

The PLAC is more independent and plays an important role

in many cases of injustice or abuse of power.

The message shows that the outside world generally believes

the PLAC interferes with the judicial independence,

with often having cases of justice miscarriages,

and the grassroots PLAC’ level truly abusing power.

China human rights lawyer Tang Jitian pointed out,

no matter if Meng is in the standing committee or not,

the PLAC is an illegal organization,

which cannot make a qualitative change.

Tang Jitian: ‘In Mainland China there is no

true sense of justice, only politics and laws.

I think this will not have a big effect

in improving the law system as a whole.

Because as long as the party is in charge of the law,

making the laws, and going above the laws, I think a substantial change cannot happen.’

It is well known that PLAC single-handedly treats

the public, the prosecutors, and the three law departments.

Gathering evidences, arrests,

and sentencing are aligned,

Plus, the PLAC also has a huge stability maintenance fund,

exceeding the military fund; it is very powerful in China.

The PLAC’s expanding started with the persecution

of Falun Gong by the former CCP leader Jiang Zemin.

He raised the PLAC power to standing committee’ level,

and gradually turned PLAC into a “second power center”.

Later on, human rights’ and democracy activists, lawyers,

and people who dared say “No” to their tyranny, have suffered severely from the PLAC’ treatment.

Recently, we heard in the media about Zhengjiang’s uncle

and nephew rape and kill case, the Liaoning Masanjia labor and re-education

center’s years of tortures, etc.

Thousands of female inmates were severely maltreated,

with electric shocks and tortures like “tiger bench”, “black trumpet”, “death bed”, etc.

All of these attest for the Chinese judicial system’ darkness

under the control of the PLAC.

US human rights lawyer Ye Ning believes China taking

the path of constitutional democracy and the rule of law is a life and death issue for China and its long-term stability.

Ye Ning: ‘If China can slowly take the path of constitutional

democracy and the rule of law, the Chinese nation will have a very bright prospect.

However, if it continues to walk the path of totalitarianism

and rogue dictatorship of the proletariat, this PLAC malignant tumor will not be cured.’

Ming Pao also pointed out that after the CCP PLAC’s issue

of decentralization, some provincial judicial departments have showed resistance.

They made a new regulation that those who ask to appeal

go to the same level court as in the first instance,

or directly leapfrog to appeal,

as the upper court will no longer accept appealing cases.

Ye Ning: “It’s a contempt-of-law phenomenon to let courts

or Public Security decide on appeals’ upgrade or downgrade.

Regardless if it is a civil or a criminal appeal, it should be

handled according to the ‘Program law of the country’, not by the executive departments.”

Ye Ning pointed out as well that CCP’s local PLACs have

formed a special interest chain, just like the other CCP’ government bureaus.

If their special power is reduced, many of their

interests’ benefits will be lost as well.

Thus now the PLAC has changed from its “soft measures”

to today’s blatant confrontation.
