【禁聞】「六四事件」入考題 港民大表讚賞


















採訪/朱智善 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

Questions on June 4 Massacre Now in Hong Kong College Entrance Exams

A college entrance exam in Hong Kong (HK)

now requires participants to comment on HK

people’s mourning of the June 4 incident.

It also includes questions on the extended debates by HK

Parliament, or filibuster, and participation in candle lit vigils.

Many HK scholars consider that putting

political events into the exam is a good thing.

Students can gain an opportunity to understand politics.

Some participants are worried that they may get lower score

due to their different political stances from those of officials.

HK college entrance exams this year will ask civil studies

questions on mourning the 1989 Tiananmen Square

Massacre, as well as extended parliamentary debates.

Under the new high school system, this is the second year

that HK high school students have to take their diploma exam.

Questions for civil studies are listed under section I,

which are mandatory and section II, which are optional.

In section I, students were asked to explain, based

on a cartoon, the filibuster from the pan-democratic

camp to stop a bill from passing.

Does this damage Hong Kong people’s interests?

Hong Kong resident, Ms. Lin said that the recent

“Occupy Central Hall" and the filibuster from pan

democrats have become hot topics for HK residents.

Miss Lin: “I think this is a positive move. Many of us

feel uneasy under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Therefore, we are afraid to bring up

sensitive subjects. Now, this is a good start.”

In section II, students were required to

comment on three of the following topics;

the HK residents’ participation in the June 4 memorials,

protests of Japan’s sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands;

and disaster relief funds of Sichuan earthquake in 2008.

The exam also required students to review whether

participating in national affairs will strengthen HK

residents’ thoughts as China’s citizens.

HK Resident Xiong Li: “June 4 is a problem, and the CCP

suppressing the democracy movement in China was wrong.

It is a good thing to let the next generation

understand the truth in history.”

According to reports, after taking the exam, many students

were concerned that they might not score highly for

having a different viewpoint than those of officials.

Zhang Xiuxian, spokesman of the Hong Kong students,

said that he had the best score in civil studies in 2012.

He was interviewed by the BBC and was told

that exam papers were graded by two teachers.

Zhang does not believe that different political

viewpoints will affect students’ test scores.

Mr. Eddie Ng, Director of Hong Kong Education

Department, re-assured the media that a student’s

political position will not affect the test scores.

“Civil studies focuses on exploring issues from many angles.

It helps to establish independent thinking, and the ability

to analyze things, and thus to form an appropriate judgment.

As long as students present a reasonable argument, it will

not affect their scores even if they have a different stance.”

Miss Lin: “I hope this is true.

Otherwise, in the future, many students may want

to cater to the CCP’s patriotic consciousness,

and will be afraid to express their views on events.”

Last year, Hong Kong set up a

temporary ‘June 4 Memorial Hall’.

This is for the continuation of the spirit of

“understanding history, and not forgetting June 4.”

This is for the purpose of explaining

the democracy movement in 1989.

It attracted nearly 20,000 people over six weeks.

This year, the temporary June 4 Memorial

Hall will be established in Hong Kong

Metropolitan University for three months.

Miss Lin: “This year will be the 24th anniversary of June 4.

In recent years, discussions about June 4 have become

popular, particularly for people in Mainland China.

Yesterday, I learned that the June 4 temporary memorial

hall would be in the Hong Kong Metropolitan University.

It will attract many local high school students.

I also heard that 20% of students in the

Metropolitan University are from Mainland.

I believe news like June 4 is spreading.”

It learned that the theme of the June 4 exhibition in

2013 will be ‘patriotism starts from learning the truth.’
