【禁聞】因證人出庭 瀋陽法院庭審臨時取消



18號,新民市法院開庭,律師的辯護內容是:「信仰法輪功合法,傳播法輪功真相合法」。 當律師告知法院人員,「已取得數人的證詞,這次庭審是構陷,證人會出庭作證」時,法官立即驚慌宣稱:「你們有證人,怎麼不事先告知,今天不開庭了」。













採訪編輯/李韻 後製/李若琳

Witnesses Appear at Trial of Falun Gong Practitioner: Court Judge Calls Off a Trial

Recently in Xinmin city, Shenyang, the Municipal Court

of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was about

to start a trial of Falun Gong practitioner Pan Youfa.

Pan’s lawyer informed the judge that

witnesses would testify at the trial.

The judge, however, immediately called off the trial.

Why did the judge do this?

Let’s find out the reasons.

On March 18 in Xinmin Municipal Court, Pan Youfa』s

lawyer stated that “Faith in Falun Gong is lawful,

and spreading the truth about Falun Gong is legal.”

The lawyer informed the judge that he

had acquired “several witness testimonies”.

“The trial is framing Pan Youfa, and the

witnesses will testify here at the trial.”

In panic, the judge asked, “Why didn’t you

inform me in advance that you have witnesses?

Today’s hearing is called off.”

In August 2012, Pan Youfa went to visit Hu Lin, a friend.

A group of people broke into Hu’s

house, and wounded Pan and Hu.

The intruders framed Pan, stating that

he had attacking them with a knife.

They then forcibly handcuffed Hu and Pan,

ransacked Hu’s home, then kidnapped

them, taking them to a detention center.

Pan Youfa was then charged with three

crimes. The first was visiting a friend.

The second was attacking the police with a fruit knife.

The third was spreading the truth

about Falun Gong ten years ago.

Since then, Pan’s family members have repeatedly

petitioned to the state departments at all levels.

In early March, the first two

“criminal charges” were removed.

Zhao Yuanming, legal scholar: “The court

judge knew that so-called evidence against

Falun Gong practitioners are fabricated.

So when the lawyer said that witnesses

would appear in court, and all the charges

are fake, the judge felt a strong fear.

He announced to cancel the trial, which

shows that he has guilt on his conscience.”

Beijing lawyer Tang Jitian reveals that temporarily

calling off a trial is a hidden rule for China’s courts.

The courts often place slandering charges on those

who fight for their rights, and those who resist the

courts’ administrative infractions and injustice.

Tang Jitian: “Having witnesses to appear at the trial

indicates that the courtroom investigation is ongoing.

I think the counsel knows fairly well about

the law, so he made such an arrangement.

The court called off the trial.

If it was illegal, the defendant’s family members

and lawyer may take some actions against it.”

Tang Jitian remarks that the CCP’s persecution

of Falun Gong has no legal grounds.

It is against China’s Constitution.

He says that the authorities cook up charges to deceive

the general public, under the guise of police and courts.

The CCP’s open Genocide of Falun Gong

practitioners started on July 20, 1999.

It was launched by Jiang Zemin, the former CCP leader,

allied with the judiciary, the procuratorate and the police.

Jiang ordered “to ruin their reputation, bankrupt

them financially, and to eliminate them physically.”

“Killing them is counted as their having committing suicide.”

“Quietly and quickly cremate bodies to destroy the evidence.”

Lei Yingqun was sentenced to a four-year

jail term in Hunan for her faith in Falun Gong.

Lei suffered over 20 torture methods,

and wasn’t allowed to hire a lawyer.

She revealed that in general, Falun Gong

practitioners all underwent torture after arrest.

Many have been beaten to death.

Lei Yingqun: “We have a local Falun Gong practitioner,

who was aged 28, was 1.8 meters tall, and very healthy.

The police arrested him and placed

him under the seats in a car.

He was too tall to fit in there, his legs stretching outside

the car door, while the police just forcibly shut the door.

I heard that only a few hours

later, he was beaten to death.”

Lei Yingqun says that the young man’s mother witnessed

his horribly swollen feet, and the body was severely beaten.

According to Lei, this is only a tip of the iceberg in

the persecution of China’s Falun Gong practitioners.

Lots of them have been injected with poisonous

drugs, beaten to death, or have been disabled.

They have even been subjected to organ harvesting.

In July 2012, the UN Special Rapporteur on

Torture released a report, stating that torture

in China has “exceeded what one can describe.”

It also stated that Falun Gong practitioners represent

66% of the victims of alleged torture in China.

Evidence suggests that over 40,000 detained Falun Gong

practitioners in China have been killed from their organs.
