





時事評論員 林子旭:「李克強、劉延東、汪洋很明顯的都是團派的人,張高麗在這樣的環境裡,就像水中的油滴一樣,必然和周圍的人格格不入。如果他能放淡心態,甘願做一個花瓶,一個擺設也就罷了,如果他不滿現狀,總是想要抓權,必然受到來自各方面的夾擊,因為他的老大江澤民已經人老體衰,再也不能罩得住他了。」



美國政治學博士 王軍濤:「而他們一旦決定之後,他們就需要把這個方案落實。現在的情況是,共產黨即使可以決定權位的分配,它也不能夠完全決定人心的這種相背。所以,他們採取事先爆料的方式,使得人們能夠接受他們在權位分配上的一些特殊安排。他們需要通過事先的放風,讓公眾有個心理準備和思想準備。」







採訪編輯/常春 後製/薛莉

Media Report : Member List of China State Council’s New Session

Released in Advance

Hong Kong media has reported the member list of China State

Council’s new session, in which Li Keqiang is Prime Minister.

The Deputy Prime Ministers are Zhang Gaoli, Liu Yandong,

Wang Yang and Ma Kai.

Analysts pointed out that there are nearly two months to

the next two sessions which will be held in March,

There must be some secret behind the early release of

this name list.

Hong Kong’s Xin Wei Yue Kan has reported the new

member list of the state council, in which Wang Yang,

Ma Kai and Liu Yandong will serve as Deputy Prime Ministers,

They will share the position together with Zhang Gao Li.

The arrangement of the Deputy Prime Ministers

is considered done by Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping who want to limit Zhang Gaoli from both sides.

Lin Zixu, a political commentator, pointed out that if

this list is real, then Zhang Gaoli’s life will be hard in future.

Lin Zixu said Zhang Gaoli was promoted by Jiang Zemin and

his promotion was very difficult.

Now, although he has entered the CCP’s Politburo Standing

Committee, Zhang’s capability and reputation are viewed negatively.

Lin Zixu: “Li Keqiang, Liu Yandong and Wang Yang

obviously belong to Tuanpai.

Zhang Gaoli will feel like an oil droplet inside water

unable to integrate with others.

If he can put down his ambition and be like a vase,

a decoration, he will have a peaceful life.

If he is not satisfied with his status,

and wants to grab power,

he will be attacked by many officials since his

boss Jiang Zemin is too old to protect him.”

There’s a long wait to the two sessions.

Why has the list been released so early?

Wang Juntao, a political science Ph.D. of U.S. Columbia

University analyzed that the core of the CCP’s power is composed of a handful of senior officials.

They need to legitimize their power allocation in some way.

Wang Juntao: ”Once they have decided, they will deploy

the arrangement.

In the current situation it is for the CCP to decide on power

allocation, but nothing can change the hearts of it’s officials.

So they use media to explore news first, and then wait for

people to signal they accept the allocation.

They leak information first to allow people time to

prepare. Their acceptance.”

Wang Juntao also said that some outside comments

are suggestions to Xi Jinping and can help him put his arrangement into action.

Wang Juntao: “It is a means to allocate the power from the

Politburo Standing Committee to a member of the Politburo.

Then officials like Wang Yang, Li Yuanchao who hadn’t

entered Standing Committee will have more political power than former members of the Politburo.

On the other hand, Jiang’s faction will not now have that

power, since others have more seats in the Standing Committee.”

A few days ago, Li Yuanchao, a member of Politburo met with

Tomiichi Murayama, the former Japanese Prime Minister.

The Hong Kong MingPao reported that this meeting unveiled

further how important Li Yuanchao is diplomatically.

When Li Yuanchao served as Minister of the Central

Organization Department, he had a relationship with Japan.

He cooperated with Toshihiro Nikaia, the Japanese

former Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, arranged training of Chinese officials in Japan.

After the 18th Congress, Li Yuanchao took over an

important position relating to Party Diplomacy.

It’s reported that in future, Li Yuanchao will take over

not only as Vice Chairman of Hong Kong and Marco Coordinating Working Team.

He will also be Vice Chairman of CCP Central

Foreign Affairs’ Leading Team since he is Vice President.

The report said that the Foreign Affairs’ Leading Team and

National Security Team are two sides of the CCP system.

After taking the Vice Presidential position from Xi Jinping,

Li Yuanchao, a non-member of Standing Committee,

will have power equal to half of the power that

a member of Standing Committee has.

Wang Juntao: “Who is suited to doing what?

Who isn’t suited to doing what?

In 1989, the CCP strongly sensed crisis,

in the last several years it has again sensed crisis.

If the CCP can’t do well this time, it will capsize.

If the CCP sinks, all it’s officials will meet their end.

It (CCP) has the same mission as before in time of crisis.

It needs to carefully consider power allocation.”

Lin Zixu said that the power of the CCP has entered a

severely fragmented stage, and is rapidly weakening.

This has led to fierce fighting inside the CCP. Lin Zixu thinks

this is maybe a sign that the CCP will soon disintegrate.
