【禁聞】訪民挺進北京 元旦千人關押久敬莊


【新唐人2013年01月03日訊】訪民挺進北京 元旦千人關押久敬莊








廣州網友聚會 29人被抓派出所




安徽異議人士張林到上海 被遣返




New Year’s Day, 1000 Petitioners Detained In Black Jail

Wang Hui, an activist from Shuangliu County in Sichuan

province told Tianwang Human Rights Service that

on the evening of New Year’s day, over 1,000

petitioners were detained in Jiujingzhuang black jail.

Petitioner Xu Jiangjiao from Tiantai County in Zhejiang

province told ‘64tianwang’ that she has been held for 50 days. She was released on January 2.

Shanghai activists revealed that many local

petitioners would head to Beijing on January 3.

It is possible that a new large scale petitioning is initiated.

Overseas Tibetan Activists Appeal to the US Congressmen

Recently, overseas Tibetan activists appealed to the office

of US Congressman, on behalf of victims of self-immolation.

There are over a hundred Tibetans who have

self-immolated since 2009, and most died.

Overseas Tibetan activist Dadon Ngodup

spoke to Voice of America:

“A letter was headed by congressmen Wolf

and McGovern to be sent to Barack Obama.

It was to ask Congressmen to sign the letter.”

The report said that “the unprecedented wave of immolations

is increasing international attention toward Tibet.

These activists are hoping it will lead the Obama

administration to increase pressure on the Chinese regime.”

29 Guangzhou Netizens Detained For Gathering

On January 2, a non-government advocacy group

in Mainland China said that Guangzhou netizens

scheduled democracy events were dismissed by police.

Netizen Mo Shaoxu tweeted that 29 netizens

were detained on charges of “illegal gathering.”

Voice of America cited netizens’ posts.

Some people believed that since Hu Chunhua took

charge of Guangdong, the suppression has gotten worse.

Some netizens pointed out that as long as they

remain under the Chinese Communist Party’s rule,

the local officials will carry out the same policies.

Anhui Dissident Zhang Lin Detained For Visiting Friends in Shanghai

On Wednesday, sources said that Anhui province dissident

Zhang Lin went to Shanghai to meet with some democrats.

He was detained by local police and forcibly sent back.

Sources said 49-year-old Zhang Lin was jailed for 2 years

for participating in the 1989 Tiananmen Square Protests.

In 2005, he went to Beijing to

participate in Zhao Ziyang’s funeral.

He was subsequently charged with “inciting subversion

of state power”, and sentenced for 4 years in prison.

After he was released, the local authorities prohibited him

from leaving his hometown of Bangbu in Anhui province.
