【禁聞】2013年願望 大陸民眾問號多





















採訪/田淨 編輯/周平 後製/君卓

Mainland Chinese Peoples’ Wishes for 2013

Numerous uncertain affairs happened in 2012,

now the year 2013 has arrived.

Many international media predicted China in 2013.

China ruled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

faces countless problems.

Outsiders still have many questions about China in 2013.

Netizens in mainland China circulated New Year wishes online.

NTD reporters interviewed several people in Mainland China,

Let’s take a look what they have to say.

The U.S. Foreign Policy magazine said that China’s 18th

Party Congress ushered in a new generation of leaders.

It provoked many questions about what we will see from

the country in the coming year.

The Global Times newspaper has a special page covering

international media prediction for China 2013.

The report said that U.S. scholar Pei Minxin believed the new

leadership will have to deal with calls for greater political openness.

Elizabeth Economy, a scholar of Council of Foreign Relations

in U.S. Think Tank commented.

She said that the biggest question at the moment is what type

of power China will become? The world wants to see.

China Academy of Social Sciences released 2013

Yellow Book: “Global politics and Security Report 2013”.

It included: the U.S. return to Asia-Pacific strategy is

gradually being formed.

It may escalate Diaoyu Islands dispute, China’s surrounding

security hasn’t fundamentally changed and so on.

Netizens in Mainland China posted their wishes for 2013.

Modern Express website’s official microblog posted

a topic: “Compare your wishes for 2013.”

It invited netizens to post their wishes for 2013.

The top posts by netizens relate to career, health,

money and love.

Yet a pay rise is the top wish in the New Year.

Hu Jun, founder of Human Rights Campaign in China website

told NTD that the CCP has lost control on economic aspect.

Hu Jun: “Now something is out of CCP’s control,

particularly in the economic areas.

From history, we can see the economic problems made

dictatorship regimes collapse in the end.

If the areas have great changes, the CCP system will

collapse instantly.”

Jiangsu petitioner Dong Shifa has been sent to prison twice

due to appeal.

His new year wish is to hope that his appeal can be resolved.

Then he can live in a normal life.

Dong Shifa: “My wish isn’t easy to become true.

I want to live a normal life and have a home.

It is my biggest wish that my appeal can be resolved.

However, the wish is within sight but not within reach.”

Su Wenguang, retired professor in Shandong University,

was under supervision by national security personnel.

He wishes civil power gets stronger.

Su Wenguang: “More people are awakening, after they wake

up, not only talking about it, but also taking action.

In addition, they will be able to unite. Everyone’s aims are

freedom, democracy, rule of law and the constitution.”

Activist lawyer Li Xiangyang told NTD that in the New Year,

he wished Mainland China to awake to maintaining their rights.

Li Xiangyang: “I think to maintain our rights not only for

our interests, but also to make society progress.

I hope in China, a disaster-ridden land, people can see the

democracy and rule of law soon.”

What is Hu Jun’s New Year wishes?

Hu Jun: “I wish the CCP collapses soon.”

Li Xiangyang believes since the CCP has ruled China, peoples’

struggles to face the whole state apparatus, have no power.

Li Xiangyang: “The CCP talked loudly on reform,

but they will never change.

The CCP is a totalitarian and autocratic group.

Its goals are to safeguard the interests of it’s privileges.

No matter who is leader and how many promises they made,

it is just for maintain its evil nature.”

Hu Jun also said that the CCP caused too many severe disasters

towards China and international societies.

Hu believes in the past 12 months, the CCP continued to

control Tibet and Xinjiang and loot them as well.

The CCP has ruined China’s traditional culture.

The damage it has done to China will hard to fix in the future.
