【禁聞】打黑財產去無蹤 重慶冤案無處訴













採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/周天

Properties confiscated during Chongqing’s anti-triad

campaign disappear and resulting unjust cases are left unsolved

Li Zhuang, a Beijing lawyer once imprisoned by

Bo Xilai’s frame-up, recently revealed that

more than one hundred billion Yuan worth of properties

were confiscated during the anti-triad campaign in Chongqing.

Only 930 million Yuan was recorded to go into

the National Treasury.

Another lawyer who once defended a victim of

the anti-triad campaign also told a story about

how the campaign’s working team had compelled companies

to trade their land at a much lower price than the market one.

These facts again reflect the rampant crimes committed by

the public security system, procuratorate and courts of Chongqing during the “Sing Red, Strike Black” movement.

Recently, Beijing lawyer Li Zhuang revealed that

only properties confiscated during the anti-triad campaign

from appealing cases he represented added up to 90 billion.

For example, only one single case of Gong Gangmo’s

involves several billion Yuan.

(Li Zhuang): ”According to the law, every cent confiscated by

the public security bureau has to be transferred to the procuratorates together with the corresponding case.

One month after the prosecution, the money should be

transferred to the courts.

After the court decision is made, the money will be either

returned or confiscated into the National Treasury.

However, record shows that only about 900 million has gone

to the Treasury. Where has all the rest gone? This is a mystery which has to be solved.”

Liu Yang, a lawyer from Beijing Tianyi Law Firm, was the

defense counsel for Ma Dang,

the No.2 leader of the so-called “Chongqing Gang

of Chen Mingliang”.

Liu revealed that the working team of anti-triad campaign

forced Ma Dang’s company to authorize their trade of large chunks of valuable lands with official seals.

Since the procedure of public bids was skipped, the trade

was completed only over half the market price.

In addition, the remainder after paying off the loan was

not returned to Ma’s company.

(Liu Yang): ”The working team (of the anti-triad campaign)

brought official seals there, requiring me to authorize the land trade with the seals.

That’s a big chunk of land worth one or several

hundred million.

At that time I didn’t want to authorize the trade.

You know what they said?

They told me, 『You must seal the trade today. I tell you,

you’d best do this. If not, I will ban you from all your jobs.』”

Liu Yang said the “Sing Red, Strike Black” campaign totally

violated the rule of law leading to numerous unjust cases.

However, even after Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun were dismissed,

the CCP still didn’t come to a definitive conclusion.

Furthermore, it even blocked appeals for the victims

of the campaign.

Liu Yang revealed that many Chongqing residents had

courageously spoken the truth after Bo and Wang stepped down.

Many civilians suppressed by the anti-triad campaign

began contacting him or other lawyers for appeals.

To help those people, Liu Yang established a non-profit

organization of lawyers.

(Liu Yang):”The (anti-triad) campaign had involved lots of

people who were not treated correctly.

Obviously, many of them cannot afford the money

to hire lawyers.

So after discussing with many fellow lawyers, we founded an

organization to freely help victims of unjust cases during the

Chongqing anti-triad campaign, both in Beijing and online.

However, only several days after we announced the news,

the CCP government asked me to stop the movement

because they didn’t feel comfortable about what we did.”

Currently, Liu Yang and another lawyer are appealing for

a retrial of Ma Dang’s case.

Liu said, Ma Dang and Chen Mingliang had been subject to

unreasonably heavy sentences to fulfill someone’s political goal.

(Liu Yang):”Ma Dang had operated a four-star hotel.

In China, most hotel owners also run places of amusement

like dance halls.

Ma Dang and Chen Mingling also owned a dance hall

in Chongqing.

You know in China there is usually some problem

with the girls there.

So just because of this, Chen Mingliang was sentenced to

death as a leader of organized prostitution.

Ma Dang was sentenced to life imprisonment on the same

charge and all his properties were confiscated.”

In his article, Liu Yang wrote that the Chinese civilians called

Chongqing’s anti-triad campaign the “new round of killing local lords and carving up their lands”.

Did the campaign “strike black”, or was it rather a

“strike from the black”?

Finally all the truth will be exposed to the public.

When that day comes, the words loudly shouted by officers

of the examination hall in Ming or Qing Dynasty will be real:

pay your money for debt and pay your life for murder.
