【禁聞】廢勞教連署書 寄中共高層


【新唐人2012年11月23日訊】廢勞教連署書 寄中共高層










秦永敏被失蹤 朋友網絡尋人









Petition for Abolishing Labor Re-education

On November 22, a ten million people’ petition for

abolishing labor re-education in China entered its key phase.

The petition is sponsored by Wang Cheng,

a Hangzhou attorney.

VOA reported that Wang said on November 21, the petition

was sent to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (SCONPC) and premier Wen Jiabao.

The petition, which requires to immediately abolish “decision

of the State Council on the issue of re-education through labor,” said that the decision was illegal.

The decision and other relevant administrative laws violate

higher laws such as the Constitution’ and Legislation’ Law.

It was obviously inefficient,

and should be abolished immediately.

Over ten thousand people are on this petition list, including

attorneys like Li Heping, Jiang Tianyong, Teng Biao, etc..

The report states, China Tianwang Human Rights Service’

chief Huang Qi said, besides labor re-education, there are “black prisons” in China.

The “black prisons” are outside the law and a large number

of petitioners and dissidents are detained inside them.

The “black prisons” were never involved in the judicial

procedure and keep people without accusing and defending.

Han People Shocked by Tibetans’ Self-immolations

According to a Radio Free Asia’ report from November 22,

an 18-year-old Tibetan had self-immolated in Tongren County, Qinghai Province.

His name is Li Ben and he burned himself to death

on the street of Duowa village.

This is the 10th self-immolation in Tongren County this month,

according to the report.

More and more Tibetans’ self-immolations draw the attention

of the international community, and greatly shock Han people.

Many scholars, attorneys and people in the civil society

continue to forward the information of Tibetans』 suicides.

They hope the regime will start respecting the Tibetan culture

and change its current policy on Tibet.

According to the report, Beijing attorney Xiao Guozen thinks,

facing Tibetans’ courageous resistance, the regime may awake.

She said any government and ruler should be genuine people-

oriented, respect every citizen and nation, give them enough freedom and autonomy.

However, according to the latest information, a troop

is entering the Tibetan district of Sichuan province this week.

Friends Look for Missing Qing Yongmin

On October 31, Wuhan dissident Qin Yongmin published

an online message that he would be taken away by relevant departments during the 18th party congress.

Then the contact with him was lost.

Recently, Qin’ friends published a search notice online, saying

if Qin is nor freed by November 25, they will issue search notices in newspapers.

Simultaneously, they called on netizens in the country

to go to local police stations to report the case.

The search notice also called on the media home and abroad

to investigate the inside story of disappearance of this citizen.

For political reasons Qin was sentenced three times and jailed

for 22 years, being one of the longest jailed dissidents.

Anti-Corruption Protests in Dongguan

On November 21, about 200 villagers from Xiatang village,

Wanjiang District, Dongguan City, Guangdong province, blocked the road to protest.

They are unhappy with the village officials selling their land

for profits, and asked them to make public the land account.

During the protest the villagers conflicted with the police,

and some elders were injured and taken to the hospital.

The villagers exposed that several hundred mu of land

were sold for over RMB100 million during the past 12 years.
