【禁聞】汪洋 李源潮 為何出局







歷史學家 李元華:「汪洋改革意向是最明顯的,說得更明確一點是向民主的方向走,跟中共專制制度是相衝突的,從這種角度上講,中共任何有改革聲音的人是不被贊同的,因為在這個利益集團裡,只能是喊改革,不能有任何行動。」


「中國社會民主黨」中央委員會主持人 劉因全: 「這個名單出來,充分說明中共是一個非常邪惡的、不可救藥的一個黨。它這個黨在黑箱操作中選出來的人物都是這樣了,連共產黨內有清新面目的開明派、改革派都選不上,都被淘汰。這個黨不垮臺真是天理不容啊﹗」







中共自建黨以來,絕大部分的中共領導人都被中共打倒過,從陳獨秀到趙紫陽。而 《九評共產黨》指出,「中共是一個邪靈,有其自己的生命,只有最邪惡的又能夠供給它能量的才能與之匹配,才能與中共這個邪靈互相利用。」

採訪/李韻 編輯/劉惠 後製/孫寧

What Put Wang Yang and Li Yuanchao Out of the Game?

The Chinese Communist Party18th Congress

has ended.

Its difficultly finalized new member list of the Politburo

Standing Committee has surprised the public.

Contrary to the high-profile touting of “political reform"

before the Congress, the path to the democracy was labeled as taking an evil way.

Wang Yang and Li Yuanchao, two representatives CCP

officials who promoted reforms, were finally out of the game.

Who is the actual manipulator of the CCP?

What made such a radical change inside the Party overnight?

Wang Lijun’s fleeing into the U.S. Consulate led to the ruin of

of Bo Xilai who had attempted to revive the Cultural Revolution.

Since then, advocates for democracy have

surged within the CCP.

The CCP’s official media repeatedly spoke of political and

judicial reforms.

China appeared to be undergoing a great change.

The 18th Party Congress thus drew intense attention

from the international community.

Reform advocates inside the CCP

entered the public spotlight.

Hua Po, political observer in Beijing, forecast a candidate list

for the 18th Party Congress based on opinion polls.

Wang Yang and Li Yuanchao were on the list.

However, CCP veterans including Jiang Zemin showed up

at the 18th Party Congress.

Former Party chief Hu Jintao unexpectedly labeled

the path to democracy an evil way.

Hot candidates who promoted internal Party democracy

failed in entering into the top CCP ruling leadership circle.

Historian Li Yuanhua analyzes that Li Yuanchao and

Wang Yang were replaced with Jiang Zemin’s men.

Moreover, the two leaned towards reforms that might have

threatened some CCP veteran’s interests.

Wang and Li were thus elbowed out by CCP’s internal

conservative forces and interest groups.

Li Yuanhua: “Wang Yang has the most obvious willingness

to launch reforms, specifically, to take the path to democracy.

This is in conflict with the CCP’s dictatorship.

From this standpoint, voices inside the CCP that

promote reforms cannot be endorsed.

For the interest groups, reform is only used as

lip service, it is never put into practice.”

Liu Yinquan, chair of the Chinese Social Democratic Party,

Was surprised to see the new member list of the CCP Politburo Standing Committee.

Liu Yinquan: “This finalized list fully indicates that

the CCP is a wicked and incurable party.

Even the representatives of it’s liberal and

reformist faction were not selected.

It will be against Heaven if this Party does not collapse.”

Liu Yinquan says that the CCP’s system doesn’t fit with

the world’s current trends, it will be washed away.

Liu Yinquan: “It showed that the Party just weeded out

good people inside its system but chose the bad elements.

It sifted out the liberal, reformist and pro-universal values

figures, but used those from conservative, anti-reform and extreme leftist forces.”

Among the seven new CCP Politburo

Standing Committee members,

four have been documented by the World Organization

to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong(WOIPF).

These four have been named as major culprits

in the persecution of Falun Gong.

Critic Lan Shu: “The release of this finalized member list

for CCP’s new Politburo Standing Committee had reasons.

This was because the CCP’s top level leadership hadn’t

acted decisively over the crucial issue.

Top level leadership figures had not exposed

The truth behind the Wang Li Jun and Bo Xi Lai cases.

That truth is about the live organ harvesting of Falun Gong

practitioners and the trafficking of their bodies.

If the investigation of living organ harvesting take place

in a full range,

these ‘blood-debts’ faction members could be blocked

from entering into core power of the 18th Party Congress.”

Hong Kong media commented that Hu Jintao has now

fully stepped down,

while Xi Jinping, lacking a strongman to rely on,

is the weakest general secretary in history.

The commentary states that hardship awaits Xi

in his tenure.

Li Yuanhua: “The CCP has always been rotten to the core,

it’s demise is just a matter of time.

It’s impossible to have some reformer save the CCP.

Today, China’s only hope lies in every Chinese joining,

to desert and disintegrate the CCP.”

Since the CCP was founded, most of its top leaders have

been toppled by the Party itself , from Chen Duxiu to Zhao Ziyang.

The book, Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party,

explains that the CCP, in nature, is an evil spirit alive.

Only those most wicked persons who are capable of

supplying energy to this evil spirit can partner it for mutual utilization.
