【禁闻】周小川称货币供量无关通膨 引人讥
















采访编辑/梁欣 后制/钟元

Ridiculed: Zhou Xiaochuan claimed currency supply has
nothing to do with inflation

It is widely rumored that Mainland Chinese central bank
governor Zhou Xiaochuan will retire after the 18th Congress.
Recently in his new book he claimed no connection between
controlling money supply and maintaining price stability.
His viewpoint is ridiculed by the experts.

They laughed at this central bank governor only the state
council’s cashier.

In recent years, inflations increased greatly in mainland China.

Especially from the start of this year, increasing prices made
everyday people suffer severely.
Many experts critically say the problem is made by the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) issuing money to save the market.
Mainland economists reviewed whether there existed “the
currency oversupply” phenomena to lead to the inflation.

For this query, in his new book, Zhou claimed currency supply
should not only cater to material economy, but also cater for the services and financial markets.
The mobility of RMB could cover the later two,
so the currency oversupply didn’t exist.

However, economist at University of South Carolina – Aiken
School of Business (USCASB) professor Xie Tian disagreed with the viewpoint.
He pointed out that in any normal economic system country,

the central bank controlled the currency supply in order to
control inflation and made the economy develop steadily.

USCASB professor Xie Tian: “it’s close connection between the
currency supply and social price degree and inflations.
The timing when the mainland central bank governor
made this statement is obviously to look for excuse for the inflation made by the CCP regime.
Or give a false peace and mask the wicked truth of inflation.”

Xie Tian analyzed that once inflation happened it will dilute
The laborious saving of the poorer people.
Only the privileged class could gain profits from (the inflation).
So, normal central bank governor didn’t have such viewpoints.

Xie Tian: “economists may also point out this wrong and
absurd viewpoint.
However, it’s not strange that the viewpoint was
spoken by the mainland central bank governor.
In fact, the CCP’s privileged class and interest group took
advantage of the chance to take Chinese social fortune into their own hands.”

As one department of state council, the People’s Bank of
China independently carries out currency policy led by state council.
For such arrangement, Zhou Xiaochuan thinks it’s in line with
reality required for a developing country and transition economy country like China.

Economist, sociology Dr. of Princeton University
Cheng Xiaonong says,
so-called independently carrying out currency policy,
is that it looks independent from other state department.

Cheng Xiaonong: “You can understand ‘independent’ like this,
he didn’t say it was independent from the state council;
you should study to understand the Chinese bureaucratic saying.

So-called independent, is independent from the central
government, of course it’s independent from other departments;
Now, it separated from Ministry of finance, but it isn’t independent
from state council, so it’s fake independence.”

Cheng Xiaonong disagreed with Zhou saying that no matter
how society developed, at least in this period,
the current system is in line with Chinese situations,
it’s proven effective.
Cheng Xiaonong also pointed out that the result of ‘effective’
is too much currency was issued.

Cheng Xiaonong: “The government asks it to issue currency, it
issued according with the government’s require, he did indeed.
As the cashier of the government, of course it’s effective.”

Also, Cheng points that mainland journalist has also asked
Zhou whether the mainland central bank could be independent?
Zhou answered, “you forced me to be speechless.”

Cheng Xiaonong: “you know clearly that it can’t be independent,
but you still ask such question, he has to say nothing.
If understanding from Zhou’s saying,
that as a central bank governor,
he is only a government money pocket,
he is a cashier. So his book is worthless.”

As a cashier, he has no speaking right to
where the money goes.
So, Cheng pointed out as a non-independent central bank
governor, his viewpoint is not important.
