【禁聞】官媒批評「勞教」 18大後取消?






「東南大學」法學教授 張讚甯:「勞教制度是惡法,他也是一個法外法。我們中國法律明確規定,中華人民共和國的公民,如果不經人民法院和人民檢察院批捕、由公安機關執行,公民的人權自由不受剝奪。 這個惡法必須解除,必須撤銷。」



中共喉舌《人民日報》旗下的《環球時報》,針對判處任建宇勞教一案評論說,「因發表批評性意見就被判刑,這種懲罰與言論自由和法制國家的原則相牴觸,是過時的做法。」《新京報》更一針見血的說:「 如果照這樣的標準就可以實施勞教,全中國5.13億網友,有多少會被送去勞教,這個數字恐怕沒法統計。」

《新華網》則借用多名學者的口氣指稱,「 廢除勞教,天不會塌下來。」







李善鑒:「 這個黨為了自己生存,它可以不擇手段,所以今天他提出搞民主、提出甚麼,這個是一點也不奇怪,它也是為了生存的一個必要。但是,即使它今天搞了民主了,明天它為了生存拿起屠刀的時候,它絕不會猶豫的。」


採訪/陳漢 編輯/宋風 後製/周天

CCP Mouthpieces Critical to Labor Camps?

Ren Jianwu, a Chinese Communist Party’ (CCP) critic,

had recently attracted the attention of media.

Last year he got two-year jail sentence due to openly

expressing his opinion on the CCP’s downfall.

Surprisingly, now the CCP media is openly criticizing

the labor camp system.

CCP officials also hinted of problems in the labor camp

system, thus its reform has been discussed.

Reuters reported that the authorities try to avoid

intensifying of social tension before the 18th CCP congress.

It also hints that the new leadership would allow

more freedom of expression.

However, analysts believe one cannot have high hopes

when it comes to CCP’ changes.

It is too soon to be able to predict the “closing down

of the labor camps after the 18th CCP congress”, they think.

On October10, Chongqing No.3 Intermediary People’s Court

opened a trial for Ren Jianwu.

Ren sues the Chongqing labor camp committee, and the case

has been widely reported by media at home and abroad.

His lawyer, Pu Zhiqiang told Radio Free Asia on October18,

that Chongqing authorities have met with Ren, and the labor camp committee intends to review his verdict.

After graduating, Ren Jianwu, 25, was appointed in 2009,

as a village official in Yushan town, Pengshui county.

From April to August last year, Ren posted

over 100 messages on a microblog, criticizing the CCP.

Later he was sentenced to a labor camp for two years

by Chongqing’s labor camp committee, charged for “inciting subversion of state power.”

Zhang Zanning, Southeast University Law Professor: “The

re-education system is an evil law, it’s a law outside the law.

China’ law clearly states, citizen can be arrested by police

without permission of People’s court or the Procurator.

Citizens’ human rights are being abridged.

This evil law must be abolished.”

Wang Gongyi, head of Justice Research Institute at Ministry

of Judiciary Bureau, spoke in an open forum on October 18.

Wang said, there are 60,000 labor camps prisoners at present,

which at times reached up to 300,000.

Now the official media is criticizing

the labor camp system openly.

Several CCP outlets, including Global Times, said, “Being

sentenced for critical expression goes against freedom of speech and the rule of law, it’s outdated.”

The Beijing News wrote, “If re-education through labor can

be implemented like this, with the 513 million netizens in China the figure will be difficult to calculate.”

Xinhua website cited many scholars who said, if we are

to “close down the labor camps, the sky won’t fall down.”

Lawyer Zhang Zanning thinks the new leadership is maybe

realizing that the labor camps are an evil law above the law, thus the media are allowed to report on the issues.

On the same day of Ren’s trial, the State Council information

office released a White Paper on China Judicial Reform.

Jiang Wei, head of China Judicial System Reform Team,

spoke of the issue.

Jiang said, there are problems with the rules and procedures

of the labor camp system, thus a reform is being discussed by the relative departments.

Li Shanjian, an independent commentator, thinks this hints

the CCP is realizing there are internal and external tensions.

They are growing and if there is no easing, a major incident

may happen, thus CCP is testing how to ease these tensions.

Li Shanjian: “The CCP dares not go below the base line

of China’s modern history.

After 1949, this party has committed too many crimes; once

they get public, there is no way to explain its legitimacy.”

Li Shanjian believes that it is unrealistic to expect

from CCP any improvements.

When the personal interests come into the picture, and more

so their legitimacy, CCP’s regime won’t know limits.

Li Shanjian: “In order to survive, the CCP can do anything,

now they propose to be democracy, it isn’t surprising.

It is necessary for the CCP to do so,

as this is about their survival.

But if CCP withdraws their proposal today, tomorrow

they will pick up a knife to kill without any hesitation.”

Li Shanjian pointed out that people learn from history,

so to reform under the CCP’s rule will not work,

China must end CCP’s dictatorship,

and that is the only choice for China’s direction.
