【禁聞】環保部:800億治核 安全「不容樂觀」
















採訪編輯/梁欣 後製/鍾元

The CCP invests 80 billion Yuan in nuclear safety but the situation is still “challenging”

Previously, China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection (SEPA)

acknowledged in a report that the overall situation of China’s nuclear safety is challenging.

However, since September, SEPA has intensively issued

approvals of nuclear plant projects in many cities all over China.

As believed by professionals, this suggests that the CCP authority

will restart its nuclear programs, which causes experts concern.

After September, SEPA extended permits of nuclear safety

equipment production for civil use in cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian, and Jiangsu province, among others.

SEPA also approved welder permits of nuclear safety

equipment for civil use.

Furthermore, on October 10th, SEPA certifies 778

non-destructive testing technicians for 116 employing unites.

On October 25th, the Second Experience Sharing Seminar

of Nuclear Power Plants on Construction will be held in Hangzhou.

Professionals believe that these are clear signals that

nuclear plant projects by the CCP authority are beginning again.

According to some Chinese media, SEPA revealed

on October 16th that the 12th Five-year Plan of nuclear safety

requires that 80 billion Yuan will be spent improving

safety protection of nuclear equipment before 2015.

Founder of Information Center for China’s Nuclear Safety,

He Anquan, remarked that since the 12th Five-year Plan

was worked out during Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao’s era,

the restart of nuclear programs is to make some achievements following the original, pre Hu, plan.

He also said this is a move against China’s economic

crisis by the CCP and they attempt to sustain China’s

economic development by motivating enterprises related

to the nuclear power industry.

He Anquan, Founder of Information Center for China’s

Nuclear Safety: ”In addition, we all know that many Chinese define China’s economy as “Crony Capitalism.”

Most state-owned companies are under the control

of influential clans of the CCP leaders.

To make more profits, they need many new projects.

Nuclear power plant projects serve this goal as well.”

As an example, He Anquan mentioned former CCP Central

Committee member, Party Secretary of China National Nuclear Corporation, Kang Rixin.

He was expelled from the CCP and removed from his position

in 2012 because he embezzled over 70 million Euros.

He Anquan: ”The story of Kang Rixin tells us that, under

the CCP’s one-party dictatorship,

officials in the nuclear power industry are inevitably guilty of corruption,

dereliction of duty and power abuse like other CCP officials.

Under such a situation how can you expect them

to make contributions to the whole industry?”

After Japan’s Fukushima nuclear accident, the CCP State

Council announced “four principles” in March 2011,

which requires the entire nuclear power industry

to make thorough safety inspections.

In June, 2012, an official report of SEPA pointed out that

the problem of nuclear safety and preventive treatment of radioactive pollution is still challenging.

The report stated difficulty of safety management lies

in the fact that there exist various types of nuclear reactors,

nuclear power techniques, as well as operation standards,

and that the capability of preventing or handling serious accidents is still inadequate.

Furthermore, the research and development capability,

emergency response system, and regulatory system all need to be improved.

He Anquan: ”Various designs of nuclear plants

bring up a problem.

It is important to accumulate enough experience

to operate a nuclear plant safely.

We all know that a safe and mature project results from

a lot of experience from repeat practice.

However, the experience from different nuclear plant

projects cannot be shared.”

He Anquan believes that different project designs scatter

the capital, management and research, which is the hidden danger in nuclear safety.

He Anquan: ”One problem is the shortage

of professional workers.

So in managing and operating a nuclear plant, there must be

cases where nonprofessional or under-trained employees

have to work at a professional capacity.

This is a huge hidden danger.

You have to have a large staff with high professional

standards run those the nuclear plants.

Currently this condition is not fulfilled in China.

Such a ‘Great Leap Forward’ in nuclear plant construction

will definitely bring very, very dangerous safety problems into the mix.”

So far the western countries have been developing new

resources to replace nuclear plants.

He Anquan warned that if the CCP authority doesn’t learn

a lesson from developed countries and

stick to its original plan regarding nuclear plants,

all Chinese people will inevitably pay for this mistake.
