【禁聞】美質詢:華為 中興 為何有黨委?!


【新唐人2012年9月29日訊】中國通信設備兩大供應商——「華為」和「中興通訊」公司,9月中旬出席了美國眾議院聽證會,就「威脅美國國家安全」的調查接受質詢。這是中國企業首次在美國國會參加這類聽證。除了焦點之一的網路「間諜」 嫌疑,美國議員們還在聽證會上對「華為」、「中興」提出質問:為什麼一個私人企業裡有黨委組織?


委員會主席羅傑斯(Mike Rogers)指出,兩家公司出售的可能是間諜設備。產品存在的「後門」等漏洞隱患,被懷疑是「刻意設計」,為中共情報機構針對美國的網路襲擊提供了幫助,嚴重威脅美國的網路安全。






美國「喬治梅森大學」教授 章天亮:「它把整個的這一套共產黨組織系統滲透到每一個社會的細胞裡去。當然在企業中它也需要個黨委。你要是在企業中看這個黨委的職能,你可能不太清楚它具體能夠做甚麼,因為它是整個一個體系下來的。它跟上級黨委掛鉤的,上級黨委跟區的黨委市的黨委都是有聯繫的。」





為什麼一直打不進美國市場? 美國《華爾街日報》6月13號的報導,可能為外界提供了答案。它寫道:世界上最大的電信設備製造商之一——「華為」,似乎也發現了它想在美國發展的野心受到阻礙,正是因為它與中共官方的關係。

採訪/朱智善 編輯/王子琦 後製/孫寧

Why Do Private Companies in China Have Party Committees?

In mid September, two major suppliers of communication

equipment , Huawei and ZTE Corporation,

attended a hearing of the U.S. House of Representatives and

answered questions regarding the threat to U.S. national security.

This is the first time Chinese enterprises participated in such

hearings in the U.S. Congress.

In addition to being suspected of Internet spying, U.S.

lawmakers asked in the hearing why Huawei and ZTE should have party organizations.

Since February 2011, the U.S. Congress began to investigate

Huawei and ZTE. On September 13, the two sides finally met.

At the hearing, members of the U.S. Congress pinned harsh

questions on both companies in regards to their “espionage" activity.

Committee Chairman Mike Rogers pointed out that the

two companies sell espionage equipment.

There are vulnerabilities hidden in the back door of

their products.

It is a deliberate design which provides help for Chinese

intelligence agencies to attach network in the United States and become a serious threat to network security.

The hearing lasted three hours.

Huawei and ZTE executives also defended the allegations.

In addition to the network security issue, party organizations

in Huawei and ZTE had also become the focus of the questioning.

U.S. Lawmakers questioned why a private enterprise would

have a party organization.

how many members are in the party and whether

they participate in company decision-making.

Ding Shaohua, senior Vice President of Huawei and President

of North American companies, argued that

a party committee is established under the PRC company law,

and even Wal-Mart, a foreign-funded enterprise, has party organizations.

But he declared that party organization members do not

participate in enterprise management and decision-making.

Prof. Xie Tian, from the University of South Carolina’s

Aiken Business School,

once published an article entitled

“Foreign Companies Set Up Party Branches in the New Era”

which provided in-depth analysis of why the Chinese

authorities force foreign companies to set up party organizations.

Xie Tian pointed out that the establishment of party

organizations is in order to implement political control needs.

A party branch in a private enterprise precisely displays

the fact that guidance and management comes from senior party committee on the location.

Prof. Zhang Tianliang of George Mason University believes

that under the Chinese Communist Party(CCP), the party’s power is always higher than administrative power.

Those enterprises in Mainland China cannot survive without

official support.

Prof. Zhang Tianliang: “The entire CCP system penetrates

into each cell of society, including enterprises.

You may not know the functions of a party committee

and what it can do.

It is linked with the superior party committee,

the city’s party committee, and the district party committee, for it is an entire system."

Xie Tian’s article quoted the Secretary of the Party Committee

of Beijing Hyundai Motor, who said let foreign companies realize that

in order to business in China, you need to connect

with the political resources – party organizations.

This reveals the CCP’s secret and coincides

with Professor Zhang’s analysis.

Professor Zhang said that he had previously worked

in a Sino-German joint venture in Mainland.

Its party committee role was to supervise employees

and to report to their superiors.

Prof. Zhang: “Usually this party committee engages

in some activities.

After the persecution of Falun Gong began, the Party

committee would act according to the CCP’s requirement to discern which employees were practicing Falun Gong.

They would have a talk with him/her and fulfill the function

of thought-control.

It is not a problem if you don’t see eye to eye

with the committee.

They will report it to their superiors and you will

be dealt with later.”

In actuality, Huawei and ZTE is experiencing long term pain in

the U.S. market when they plan the international territorial.

Why have these companies not broken into the U.S. market?

A Wall Street Journal article from June 13 may provide

the outside world with an answer.

It wrote, “Huawei, one of the world’s largest

telecommunications equipment manufacturer,

seems to have found what hampers its ambitions in the US,

precisely because of its official relations with the CCP.”
