【禁聞】釣魚島火熱 南海冷靜
















採訪/常春 編輯/尚燕 後製/王明宇

Diaoyu Island Issue Fires Up, As South China Sea Stays Cold

Japanese media confirmed that, China had canceled the 40th

anniversary celebrations of the stabilizing diplomatic relations

between Japan and China, originally scheduled to be held

in Beijing’s ‘Great Hall of the People’ on September 27.

It shows the overall deterioration of Sino-Japanese relations.

Sovereignty disputes between China and the Philippines over

the South China Sea arose alongside Japan’s

“nationalization" of the Diaoyu (Senkaku) Island,

yet did not receive as much attention.

Comments say, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) place

importance on “maintaining stability” before their 18th National Congress, and is not taking much practical action.

On Sep.23, CCP mouthpiece media Xinhua’s

English version said,

the Japanese government’s nationalization of the

Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands destructed the atmosphere in China.

Xinhua continued, “The 40th anniversary of the normalization

of diplomatic relations" will be held “at the appropriate time."

It’s the first time the celebration has been canceled;

it’s been taking place every 10 years since the normalization

of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations—showing that the

degree of deterioration has reached levels rarely seen in history.

Political commentator Xia Xiaojiang points out that, although

the CCP has always pushed “anti-Japanese” and “nationalism” propaganda,

this time it’s different, as it contains the struggle

between the CCP’s left and right political wings.

[Xia Xiaoqiang, Political Commentator]:

“This anti-Japanese farce is different from ever before,

since after the 18th CCP National Congress, the surviving force

of the Jiang Zemin faction, Zhou Yongkang, will be liquidated.

The CCP hope to use the Diaoyu Islands incident to stir up

trouble and create chaos, in order to smoothly hold back Xi Jinping and extend Zhou Yongkang’s power.

This is the reason why anti-Japanese demonstrations emerged

in hundreds of cities across China a few days ago.”

On Sep.23, Japan’s Daily News reported on the canceled

celebration, saying Beijing authorities have tried to tighten up a little on the large-scale anti-Japanese uproar.

At the same time, the CCP maintained a tough stance towards

Japan, to avoid being criticized as being too weak.

On Saturday and Sunday (Sep. 22, 23), China’s major cities

saw no further large-scale anti-Japanese demonstrations.

Hong Kong’s Apple Daily says the authorities didn’t organize

people to demonstrate in the streets any more,

and even the Patriots’ voluntary protests were under control.

If the CCP had been tough in suppressing the anti-Japanese

demonstrations unilaterally, it’s not hard to imagine that

the wave of “anti-CCP" sentiment that would immerge

would reach a level no lower than the anti-Japanese uproar.

[Xia Xiaoqiang, Political Commentator]:

“Canceling the Sino-Japanese diplomatic relation’s 40-year

commemoration is Xi Jinping’s diplomatic means of

eliminating domestic pressure and showing a tough attitude to Japan, to pacify the Chinese people.

Yet, the CCP’s primary task is the leadership cross succession

in their 18th National Congress and the CCP’s so-called “maintaining stability" is a key issue.

I think these tough diplomatic means towards Japan may be

just a gesture; it will not have much substantive action,

and will maintain the status quo within China temporarily."

Xi Jinping shows a tough stance on the Diaoyu Islands issue,

contrasting with his stance on the South China Sea.

On September 21, he attended the opening ceremony of

the Forum on China-ASEAN Free Trade Area,

and stressed the development of Sino-Philippine bilateral

relations, while not mentioning their South China Sea conflict.

3 days after the Japanese government announced their

nationalization of the Diaoyu Islands, on September 12,

Philippine President Aquino officially announced to rename

their west coast of South China Sea as “West Philippine Sea”.

On the same day, the Philippine presidential decree released

that the Philippine government will be issuing maps marking the “West Philippine Sea" along the Philippine west coast.

Heated speculation surrounds the Diaoyu Islands events, in

strong contrast to the coldness over the South China Sea issue.

Researcher of social problems, Zhang Jian, who has lived in

the United States, points out that it reflects the attitude of the Communist China on the territorial issue.

[Zhang Jian, Social Problems Researcher]:

“It’s the communist party, when they want to sell, Vladivostok is sold;

the CCP will never let the Chinese people know,

and they maintain control through a variety of ways.

It cannot get the Diaoyu Islands back; the Islands are…

it can be said that the CCP should be grateful, because

the Diaoyu Islands are the most powerful tool for them to use to resolve their domestic crisis."

Zhang says, the CCP’s started to close up the Chinese people

to ‘defend’ the homeland; even advocates will not be able to continue voicing their expression within their country.

[Zhang Jian]: “As a Chinese, you should know

how many people are in your territory,

how many sanctity territories were violated,

and how you cannot make a sound.

When defending the Diaoyu Islands, you should think about,

first of all, have your human rights, your rights of expression,

and your rights to survive been protected enough?

If China could give enough of these protections, essentially

China should then be standing at a starting line alongside other democratic countries."

Overseas media point out that, China currently wants to

achieve Sino-Japanese condominium of the Diaoyu Island.

However, as the Epoch Times reports, Asia problem expert

Zheng Jiwen in Taiwan thinks,

to establish a “Sino-Japanese condominium” is unlikely

to be an identified decision made by the Chinese Communists.

The CCP was preparing fully for the 18th National Congress;

Zheng thinks, before the new leaderships are determined,

the CCP is unlikely to make decisions on such major issues.
