【禁聞】胡溫十年遺十問題 受箝制尋解扣
















採訪/劉惠 編輯/王子琦 後製/柏妮

10 Unsolved Issues Under Hu/Wen’s Decade of Rule

2002 – 2012 marks Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao’s decade of rule

with both China and the world undergoing huge changes.

With the current changing of Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

leadership, Deng Yuwen, deputy editor of the Learning Times from a CCP Party School, published his analysis.

Yuwen said, Hu and Wen failed to accomplish many things,

and stated 10 unresolved issues.

The article was soon deleted after being published

in the Financial Network of mainland China.

Yuwen’s article, ‘Hu and Wen’s political legacy’ said that,

Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao had tried to undergo

some reforms during their rule,

but some issues remain unresolved because of

many restrictions; they will be left to Hu’s successor.

However, political critic, Heng He believes that, Hu Jintao

and Wen Jiabao had not recognized the CCP’s evil nature;

the restrictions they encountered had come from the CCP.

Mainland Chinese writer, Tie Liu, thinks, without dissolving

the CCP’s violent ideology from Mao Zedong, ‘Hu –Wen-Xi’ are also helpless.

Former Chongqing Party Secretary, Bo Xilai,

was doing evil under Mao’s banner.

[Tie Liu]: “Xi Jinping and Hu Jintao both know

the evil of Mao Zedong,

but they dare not say much because Mao had written the

system and put it into the CCP Constitution.

Wen Jiabao and Hu Jintao were threatened daily by Mao’s

Faction; they also live in a shadow of terror.

That’s why the prosecution of Bo is limited only

to corruption charges,

but in actuality, Bo Xilai had been holding Mao’s banner

to overthrow Wen Jiabao , Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping.”

The New Era magazine reported that, since 1999, Jiang Zemin

launched the persecution of Falun Gong,

Jiang Zemin and forcibly put Luo Gan and Zhou Yongkang,

into the Politics and Law Committee

which gained power rapidly because of that and

turned into a second central government.

As a result, Hu and Wen’s orders could not break out

of Zhongnanhai.

Thus, Hu and Wen had to bear many blamed for

Jinag’s faction for a long time.

Hua Bo, Current affairs observer in Beijing, believes that

Hu and Wen are seriously restricted by Jiang’s faction and

the people resent the wide gap between the rich and the poor.

Jiang’s faction has been turning around and using the public’s

resentment to put pressure on Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao.

[Hua Bo]: “In the beginning, people were saying

about Hu and Wen, ‘nice talk, but no action’;

it was in fact unfair to them because they had wanted

to do something, but were quite restricted.

Hu and Wen’s subordinates were not loyal to them and went

in the opposite direction, so the two were helpless.”

However, Hua Bo also comments that, Hu and Wen

had been seemingly unable to unlock the impasse,

which was resolved by Wang Lijun’s sudden fleet

and Bo’s dramatic collapse;

this resulted in Hu and Wen finally controlling the situation.

Hua Bo analyses that, through the 18th Congress, Hu Jintao

is likely to reach a formation of ‘Xi leading the CCP, but Hu controlling everything’.

Comments also point out that, in this case, Hu Jintao and

Wen Jiabao may target the Politics and Law Committee and destroy Jiang’s power.

Deng Yuwen finally points out that, Xi Jinping will still face

the crisis of resolving the issues left behind by Hu and Wen.

Liu Yinquan, host of China Social Democratic Party’s Central

Committee says, even if china would become democratic, the problem of moral decay would persist.

[Liu Yinquan]: “Only by allowing people to freely

practice Falun Gong and

their principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance,

can really purify people and bring moral improvement.

When supplemented by democracy and the rule of law,

the problems will be fundamentally resolved.

China will become like it was in the Han or Tang dynasties,

in becoming the center of civilization in the world.”
