【禁聞】千億再造古汴京 開封或淪空城



開封市政府提出的「千億再造汴京」計劃,是想藉助開封市作為宋代古都的歷史資源,主攻文化旅遊。但是據媒體報導,開封的這項「 復古」計劃,僅拆遷費就耗資1000億元,古城區8萬居民將被迫拆遷,媒體認為,這對年財政收入不足50億元的開封市而言,無疑將是一場豪賭。








如,河南鄭東新區「遠景概念」規劃範圍150平方公里,整個工程將近2000億,但房屋空置率達90% ﹔而被譽為「亞洲最大別墅區」的天津「京津新城」,總規劃面積25000畝,可供50萬人生活、居住、娛樂。5年來,開發商在這片土地上營建起1000座高端別墅,但這還不及「京津新城」總體規劃開發量的1/10。目前入住率只有10%。


採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/鍾元

Kaifeng plans to restore historical outlook of Song Dynasty at

100 billion Yuan, speculated to produce another “ghost town”.

Recently, the city government of Kaifeng in Henan province

presented a restoration project costing over 100 billion Yuan.

The project plans to transform its old town

into a 20-square-kilometer tourism zone.

This is to restore the historical outlook of “Bianjing” city,

the capital of Northern Song Dynasty.

For the past two years, foreign media have reported that

many Chinese cities where buildings are newly developed

are seldom used so that they look like “ghost towns”.

Similarly, Kaifeng’s project has been speculated

to produce the next “ghost town”.

Another unrealistic project of city building.

Kaifeng’s project of “restoration of Bianjing outlook”

aims to develop tourism with the city’s historical background

as the capital of the Song Dynasty.

However, according to media reports, just the demolition

fee of this “restoration” project will cost as much as 100 billion.

More than 80,000 residents of old town will be forced

to move.

Some media report remarked that the project is an

extremely dangerous gamble for Kaifeng city.

Their annual revenue is less than 5 billion Yuan.

Scholar of China Academy of Art, Wu Zuolai remarked that

most local governments wanted to benefit from ancient

architecture and traditional culture rather than appreciating their historical value.

Replacing civilian houses with fake historic sites actually

destroys the social ecology of civil life.

Most residents’ families have lived there for hundreds of years.

Demolition of their houses is violation of human rights.

Wu said what the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) officials

real aim is economic value, not restoration of history.

(Wu Zuolai, scholar of China Academy of Art): “Each

municipal leader will stay in his position between 3-5 years.

They try to earn money in this short period by collaborating

with developers in demolishing civil houses, selling lands

and building fake historic sites. Money is their ultimate goal.

A real restoration of historical architecture will not be like this.

It won’t destroy an area by depriving local residents of their

basic rights to build a fake 『historic town’ on their land.”

Cultural commentator Ye Kuangzheng also remarked that

while purporting to “restore traditional culture”, the CCP

only really cares about the income from land sales.

(Ye Kuangzheng): “Since the price of land has

sharply increased recently,

many developers are interested in the land from

the cities with tourism resources such as historic sites.

Therefore local governments try to sell those lands

in different ways.

In fact Kaifeng government also wants to earn

this income from land sales.”

According to China Business News,

the city government of Kaifeng started to demolish

civil houses in Longting Scenic Area several years ago in the name of “improving environmental quality”.

In recent two years, a corporation called Dichen Group Ltd

has developed tens of luxury homes in the area.

The report also revealed that a big hole of 15-meter depth

can be seen at the former site of Kaifeng’s Drum Tower.

The Drum Tower is a signature ancient architecture of Kaifeng,

but its foundation has been removed.

It is reported that the city will build a huge underground

mall in the hole below the tower.

Ye Kuangzheng said that such acts of destroying real historic

sites will only create fake productions with no cultural value.

Two years ago, American media posted on their websites

some satellite pictures of a so-called “ghost town”.

In the picture, most houses and streets are empty with

few visitors, which looks confusing.

It is believed that many local governments in China mainland

had built such “ghost towns” in recent years.

They wanted to generate nice-looking “GDP” numbers.

As an example, the “perspective concept” project in

Zhengdong New District of Henan covers 150 square kilometers at a cost of 200 billion Yuan.

However, more than 90% of the houses are still empty.

The Jingjin New City in Tianjin,

which is called the “largest villa area in Asia”,

covers a planning area of 25,000 properties

for 500,000 residents to move in.

However, only 1000 luxury homes were built in five years,

less than one tenth of the development planning numbers.

Actually only 10% of the houses have been lodged

with residents.

Chinese civilians have questioned whether Kaifeng’s

“restoration project” will benefit civilians. Is it only an image project?

Many of them believe that the project is unrealistic,

attempting to restore the historical image without traditional values within.
