【禁聞】谷案將判 「屍體加工」入罪?


【新唐人2012年8月18日訊】谷案將判 「屍體加工」入罪?





廣西武警開槍鎮壓村民 傷五人





千名藏民抗議開礦 警開槍鎮壓




Gu Sentenced For Corpse Processing?

On August 17, in regards to the case of Gu Kailai, the wife

of Bo Xilai, the former Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

Secretary of Chongqing, for the murder of British businessman

Heywood, CNN news said the trial result will be announced on Monday.

The outside world speculates whether Gu will be given

the death penalty.

The court said Gu Kailai accepts all charges against her.

However, there are still many doubts in the case itself

that the outside world does not understand.

According to the Chinese edition of the

Wall Street Journal (WSJ) on Friday,

Heywood’s friends questioned the motive – that Gu Kailai

and Bo Guagua were threatened by Neil Heywood.

Heywood was Bo Guagua’s best friend,

as well as his advisor in the UK.

Even if Heywood and Gu Kailai had unpleasant business

interactions, he was still a good friend of Bo Guagua.

Another friend of Heywood also said that

Gu Kailai’s words were doubtable.

Based on Heywood’s personality, he would never

threaten others.

So it is hard to imagine that he would limit

Bo Guagua’s freedom.

The reports pointed out there are contradictions and gray

areas in the case, affecting the trial’s credibility.

After Gu’s hearing last Thursday, Dalian corpse processing

plants were also exposed in the media.

Does Gu have involvement with corpse plants?

Speculation is that if the CCP will reconsider the sentencing

of Gu Kailai and add on additional charges.

Police Shot At Villagers

On August 14, people had a clash outbreak with the police

due to land disputes in Heshan, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

Police fired at people to suppress them, and five were injured.

At present, the villagers are under close monitoring by police

and have been silenced. The news of the clash was blocked.

According to news releases on local websites, on Tuesday,

over 40 police cars and over 100 policemen and undercover

personnel surrounded the village and arrested some villagers.

The villagers protested, and the two sides clashed.

The police arrested seven village representatives,

and shot and wounded five unarmed villagers.

The seriously wounded villager has had a surgery to remove

the bullet, but is still in critical condition. Others are still under hospital care.

According to Radio Free Asia, three days after the suppression

of villagers in Shuanglingtun, Heshan,

there are still police and unidentified personnel

guarding outside the village.

Villagers are forbidden to go out,

and the atmosphere remains tense.

Local villagers said the incidents in Heshan were caused by

the government’s forcible seizure of over 10 acres of farmland in 2011, affecting nearly six hundred farmers.

Local officials and the village cadres committed fraud,

occupying the land owned by villagers without authorization.

Villagers went to petition but were arrested.

After being released, they prepared to appeal to the local government together.

It was possibly the plan was leaked, so the government

took action ahead.

Tibetans Protest Against Mining

Radio Free Asia reported on August 15, that about

a thousand Tibetans in Qamdo, Markam County in Tibet

protested outside a mining site outside of the county against

the China Mining Company’s polluting the environment.

During this period, the Tibetans and police clashed.

The police released tear gas and opened fired towards

the masses, killing one Tibetan. Six Tibetans were detained.

A large number of Tibetans fled to the forest,

and did not dare to go home.

The number of local armed police was increased after

the incident.

Inspection of people coming in and out was tightened.

The CCP authorities have not yet announced the event.
