【禁聞】政法委書記反共 被薄熙來判12年








「泛藍聯盟」負責人 張起:「他在巫山。巫山是個移民大縣。基本上全城都是移民問題。三峽庫區移民有很多問題,集中爆發在巫山。而且當年他在重慶決策研究協會的時候,也看到中共體制內決策的出臺,並沒有科學的依據。很多時候是一些官員拍拍腦袋就決定了。他是一個有良心的官員,他希望把事情做好,但是也有很多無奈。」

饒文蔚在「 短評共產黨」第52篇中,對薄熙來到重慶就職的演說進行點評。文章說,「 其實,薄熙來們的履新表態中,翻開這些『 遮羞布』,我們就看到了底下藏的全是些甚麼貨色了:極權、獨裁、黨私等等人類政治最骯髒的東西都在共產黨的體制裡了。」


重慶國安向上匯報饒文蔚之後,薄熙來親自批示「 嚴肅處理」,並且成立一個專案組,除了指控饒文蔚「煽動顛覆國家罪」之外,還給他羅織「 受賄罪」,並對證人進行刑訊逼供,以達到坐實罪名的目地。


饒文蔚父 饒京江:「我不在意薄熙來倒臺不倒臺的事情,我是用中國法律的公平正義來為我兒子進行申訴。我兒子按照我國法律來講,沒有罪,不應當受刑法處罰。不管在哪個時候,老朽對兒子的冤情是要申訴到底的。一直到撤銷判決,宣告我兒子無罪。」



採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/黎安安

Secretary of Politics and Law Committee Sentenced to 12 Years for Criticizing the CCP and Bo Xilai

Former Politics and Law Committee secretary of Wushan

County, Chongqing City,

Rao Wenwei was sentenced to 12 years in prison in 2008

for writing 52 articles criticizing the Communist Party and Bo Xilai.

His friend offered the overseas Epoch Times website

his articles for publication.

Through investigation, Chongqing national security

found out the identity of the author.

In 2008, Bo Xilai ordered the arrest of

Rao Wenwei and the sentence. It shocked Chongqing.

In the past four years, Rao Wenwei´s father has redressed

the grievances but to no avail.

After Bo Xilai´s fall, Rao´s appeal to Chongqing High Court

still met with threats and prevarication.

Rao Wenwei was the youngest secretary of the Political

and Law Commission of Chongqing Municipality.

He was also the Chongqing Municipal Research investigator

and chief Secretary-General of Chongqing Institute of Policy Research,

which is the highest decision-making General Staff agency

within the Chongqing Municipality.

Dissatisfied and depressed by politics,

Rao Wenwei took note of his thoughts.

His “Brief Commentary of the Communist Party" series

includes a critique of Bo Xilai´s inaugural speech.

Rao Wenwei presented his articles to a couple of his friends.

A friend, without Rao Wenwei´s acknowledgement,

sent his articles overseas to the Epoch Times website.

Publication of these articles gained the attention

of Chongqing National Security.

The National security found out Chen Xiaofeng distributed

the articles and then identified the author, Rao Wenwei.

Serving a sentence with Rao Wenwei in the same prison area,

Union of Chinese Nationalists representative Zhang Qi,

just released from Yuzhou of Chongqing this May,

exposed Rao Wenwei´s case.

Zhang Qi indicates that Rao Wenwei, used to be a secretary,

had the habit of keeping a diary, and vented his dissatisfaction through his writing.

Zhang Qi, Union of the Chinese Nationalists representative:

“1.20 He was in Wushan. Wushan is a county of immigrants.

Basically, the whole city is full of issues with immigrants.

Immigrants in the Three Gorges Reservoir area have a lot of

problems. The immigrants´ issues broke out in Wushan.

While serving at the Chongqing Institute of Policy Research,

he realized there is no scientific basis for any decision-making within the CCP system.

Often the officials just patted someone on the head

and decided the policy.

Being a conscientious official, he was often frustrated

and had hoped to make things better."

In his 52nd article collected in the “Brief Commentary

of the Communist Party Series,”

Rao Wenwei criticized Bo Xilai´s Chongqing inaugural speech.

He wrote, “In fact, in Bo Xilai´s inaugural speech,

once the fig leaf is turned,

we see clearly what´s hidden underneath, totalitarian,

authoritarian, and selfishness, the dirtiest politics in the communist system."

Zhang Qi: “He felt Bo Xilai is grandiose, and sometimes

contrived, overly self-promoting, and superficial.

His actions left thirty million people in Chongqing in a mess.

Rao Wenwei knows both economics and the law.

He has a Masters of Economics. He felt Bo Xilai´s approach

was quite repugnant. He wrote these articles to target Bo Xilai.”

After the Chongqing National Security identified Rao Wenwei,

Bo Xilai personally instructed to have it dealt with “severely”.

A task force was set up to charge Rao Wenwei

with “inciting subversion of state power",

and fabricated a “crime of bribery” by torturing witness to

achieve the purpose of being tried against real charges.

Rao Wenwei´s arrest was quickly made known to

all senior officials of Chongqing.

For more than four years, his 70-year-old father Rao Jingjiang

has been filing complaints non-stop.

However, Bo Xilai´s downfall this year did not

show any sign of vindication.

Rao Wenwei´s father Rao Jingjiang:

“I do not care about Bo Xilai´s downfall.

I am appealing for my son according to

the Chinese legal fairness and justice.

My son has not violated the law and

should not be punished by criminal law.

I will complain to the end until the charge is revoked

and my son´s innocence is declared."

Zhang Qi accompanied Rao´s father on 30th July to

the Chongqing High Court to file a complaint.

A Chongqing High Court judge eventually agreed to the filing,

but did not say when a reply will be issued.

Zhang Qi says that Zhang Dejiang, Chongqing Party Secretary,

has no intention to solve the misjudged cases,

but adopts a “slow and delaying" strategy

until the next session of the Government.
