【禁聞】常委9與7 汪洋坐上位 誰將出局?















採訪編輯/常春 後製/薛莉

CCP Standing Committee—Who Will be Out if Wang Yang is In?

It is getting closer to the Chinese Communist Party(CCP)’s

18th Congress, but the authorities haven’t decided who will finally get into the Standing Committee.

Recently, overseas media have been saying that

since the CCP hasn’t declared the size of the committee,

whether the Party chief in Guangdong, Wang Yang,

can join the committee has the most uncertainty.

Some analysts believe that Wang Yang, the CCP Secretary

of Guandong and member of the Politburo,

will certainly join the committee,

but who will then be kicked out? Here’s our report.

According to overseas media, Wang Yang not only has talent

and background but is also at a relatively young age.

Wang Yang, the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) Secretary

of Guandong and Politburo member,

is a promising candidate for the CCP’s Standing Committee.

But if the number of the Standing Committee members is

reduced from 9 to 7, then “there is too little meat for so many wolves”, say media.

Under such circumstances, if Wang Yang joins

the committee, then who will be kicked out?

On June 8, the South China Morning Post (HK) predicted the

7 members of the Standing Committee as being:

Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, Yu Zhengsheng, Zhang Dejiang,

Wang Qishan, Li Yuanchao, and Liu Yunshan.

Wang Yuxin, a senior media reporter, says this list has been

carefully selected by Jiang’s Faction with the purpose

of sounding out the opinions inside and outside the party

before the Beidaihe Meeting.

But the current situation suggests that Yu Zhengsheng

and Zhang Dejiang from the Jiang Faction,

who are highly controversial and corrupt,

are not likely to be elected.

Recently, some Shanghai petitioners who planned to attend

the preparatory meeting for the18th Congress in Qinhuangdao City were arrested.

Staff from the Shanghai Office in Beijing told the petitioners that

“those who promise not to appeal again by signing a statement can stay home safely;

those who don’t will all be arrested or sent to labor camps”.

Analysts say that Yu Zhengsheng is still following the blood-

debt faction’s way of persecuting people.

Wang Yuxin says that by kicking out Jiang’s corrupt and

conservative blood-debt faction—including Yu Zhengsheng,

Zhang Gaoli, Zhang Dejiang, and Meng Jianzhu—from the

Standing Committee,

the next generation of leaders will be able to promote

the CCP’s transformation smoothly.

On whether Wang Yang can join the Standing Committee,

Liu Yinquan, a former history professor, says that

whether the Standing Committee has 9 or 7 positions,

there is no doubt that Wang Yang will get in.

[Liu Yinquan, Former History Professor]: “Wang Yang has a good political record in Guangdong

Province and he handled the Wukan Incident especially well.

Wang Yang recently came up with the concept of Happy

Guangdong, and put forward many positive policies for the Interest of the lower class.

I think these will all add points for him; therefore I think even

if the CCP is having 7 committee members, Wang Yang will be elected.”

Also, before the “Two Congresses” this year, Wang Yang

claimed in public that “reforms should start from the Party and government”

and to “discard the misconception that the people’s welfare

is bestowed by the Party and government”.

Wang Yang started the trial of the “officials’ asset report”

in Guangdong and “labor union elections” in Shenzhen.

Besides, the 21 secretaries of Guangdong’s regional

committees of political and legislative affairs are no longer serving as Public Security Bureau chiefs.

Also, when Guangdong suffered from typhoons and storms,

Wang Yang visited Huizhou City in rain,

showing the image of being close to the people,

and again advocated the main idea of “Happy Guangdong.”

The Reuters said that “Wang Yang

is regarded as the next Wen Jiabao.”

ABC Radio Australia recently reported that

Wang Yang is China’s rising new star

and is widely regarded as one of the leaders

to push for political reforms.

Wu Jianguo, an online writer, says that as a member of the

political reform faction,

Wang Yang’s “joining the Standing

Committee” will bring some hope for reforms.

But Wu does not have high expectations for political reforms

in the current political system.

[Wu Jianguo, Online Writer]: “Even if Wang Yang joins the

Standing Committee, whether he can continue his reforms will become a question.

For example, the former premier Zhu Rongji vowed to punish

the corrupt, but he became quiet after taking on his position.

Zhu Rongji cannot realize his promise and has

even considered quiting.

Therefore the key to the problem is not who gets elected

or kicked out, but the current autocratic regime of the CCP.

If the CCP regime does not collapse, none of the goals of

democracy, the rule of law, and of giving the power back to the people can be realized.”

Wu Jianguo says that Jiang Zemin decided to have 9 Standing

Committee members to make his faction the majority in the Standing Committee, to avoid being punished.

At that time, among the 9 members,

6 of them belonged to Jiang’s faction,

and therefore Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao’s opinions

were hardly approved within the committee.

But whether it’s 7 or 9, Wu Jianguo believes that

it is only a struggle for power and won’t make any difference

in China’s political reform or in the realization of democracy.
