


新一期的美國《外交》雜誌發表了《一個專制軸心正在崛起?》(An Authoritarian Axis Rising?)的文章。文章認為,近幾個月來,許多專制國家正在表現出相互抱團這種令人不安的趨勢,它們不是「邪惡軸心」,但是會給國際體系帶來混亂。













採訪/常春 編輯/宋風 後製/鍾元

US Media: China’ & Russia’s “Authoritarian Axis”

A new term of “an Authoritarian Axis” was coined recently

by U.S. magazine’s article.

The term refers to a group of states which fear democracy

and freedom, the power and influence of US and the West.

These states are deemed to be on the wrong side of history,

and may bring turmoil to the international community.

Scholars think that the axis group is not faith-bonded,

but rather a fragile interest group.

Thus, it is hard for them to truly create unrests in the world,

comments say.

The Diplomat’s article “An Authoritarian Axis Rising?” talks

about the emergence of a new group of authoritarian states.

It isn’t the “axis of evil,” but “can only inject turmoil into

the international system,” according to the article.

The axis members reportedly include China, Russia, Iran,

North Korea, Syria, and Venezuela.

The author thinks that these authoritarian regimes

have “two common fears.”

“One is their apparent fear of democracy,

freedom, and liberty.”

The other is fear of “the power and influence

of the U.S. and the West.”

Simply put, “democratic values, particularly transparency in

government and society, put at risk the survival of these authoritarian, repressive governments.”

These states are said to “face serious levels of domestic

opposition” and “impose burdens on their own people.”

“Russia, for example, arrests opposition leaders”;

“China, likewise, arrests and hassles dissidents”;

“North Korea operates a vast network of concentration

camps,” triggering thousands of deaths, and millions who suffer from malnutrition.

“Iran fired on protestors”, while “Syria uses helicopters,

tanks, and artillery to fire on the political opposition, killing perhaps as many as 10,000 people.”

“Increasing foreign policy coordination among the axis

members” has been seen, the article states.

Such as China and Russia, both used their vetoes to block

the UN resolution against the Syrian regime’ killing civilians;

“Beijing and Moscow consistently oppose expanded

sanctions against Iran for its nuclear program,” it says.

And “in terms of military coordination, ties have run deep

for years” among these axis member states.

“This has obvious repercussions in Asia-Pacific/Indo-Pacific

and Eurasia as well as globally,” the article comments.

Xie Xuanjun, State University of New York’ former professor,

says that these axis members have no common goal, thus cannot form an alliance in real sense.

Through requesting the West not to interfere in their internal

affairs, these authoritarian regimes just want to ensure their own survival, professor Xie remarks.

Professor Xie Xuanjun: “For these states is hard to create

a real turmoil in this world, as they aren’t technologically superior to the West.

So it’s hard for them to confront the West countries in reality.

But their anti-Western trend may cause some turbulence."

Liu Yinquan, chair of Social Democratic Party of China,

thinks that the authoritarian axis is based on interests.

The non-faith based bond will soon be loose or even

collapse upon the change of interests, he believes.

At present, there are conflicts shown between China

and Russia, between China and North Korea.

So this Axis is not that solidly fastened,

Liu comments.

He points out that China should not join this autocratic pool

when taking into account its state and national interests.

Liu Yinquan: “What’s the best pattern for China? It’s to

“befriend with distant states while attacking those nearby.”

China should set up close ties with the U.S. and Europe,

especially the U.S., in areas of economy and even military.

It should try to avoid confrontation in politics, and take

the path of seeking unity while preserving diversity.”

Liu appeals to form “Sino-US economic Combo”, which will

help change China’s dirty politics and corruption.

The combo will be in favor of updating high-tech in China

and removing the label of “World’s Factory”, thinks Liu.

He warns, if China still resorts to war and confrontation,

the country will be led back to the road of war, which was experienced by Germany and Japan.

“If the West organizes itself to deal effectively with this

challenge, we perhaps might see the last gasp of authoritarian states,” the article suggests.
