【禁聞】調查李旺陽死因 為真相或胡錦濤?











但「烏坎事件」中,羅斌就是官方指派為村民薛錦波驗屍的法醫。薛錦波的女兒薛健婉表示, 他「完全不可信」。




6.4民運人士、「中國和平民主聯盟」主席 唐柏橋: 「如果自殺也好、他殺也好,作為一個政府你把他的家人扣起來,然後強行家人沒有同意的情況下給屍體火化了,然後還把民間要求調查真相人,不僅不讓他們去看屍體,而且還給他們抓起來。你這樣做就等於向世界宣佈有鬼,想隱瞞真相。」




採訪/梁欣 編輯/宋風 後製/蕭宇

Investigate Li Wangyang Death: For Truth or For Hu Jintao?

The mysterious death of democratic activist

Li Wangyang in Hunan province has captured

the attention of people in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong officials question Li’s “suicide”.

Thousands of people rallied in Hong Kong a few days ago,

demanding mainland authorities to independently

investigate Li’s death.

On June 15, police in Hunan province said they would

investigate Li’s death, and publicize the results soon.

Analysts point out that Hong Kong and Hunan authorities

tried to balance the incident.

This is mainly for Hu Jintao visiting Hong Kong on July 1.

Beijing revealed that Hu Jintao would visit Hong Kong

on July 1, to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the handover.

Radio France Internationale commented.

It is obvious that Hong Kong and Hunan authorities want

to reduce the Hong Kong public’s anger at Li’s “suicide”.

This is to avoid public anger transferring

to Hu Jintao’s visit on July 1.

Hong Kong Alliance Chairman Lee Cheuk-yan

said that officials’ moves are more of a “delay tactic”.

Li’s death touched Hong Kong people’s heart.

25,000 joined a parade on June 10, shouting

to “restore the truth of Li’s death”.

Media continued reporting about the incident,

urging Beijing to investigate Li’s death.

Hong Kong politicians had to speak out.

Donald Tsang, outgoing Chief Executive, Chun-ying Leung,

incoming Chief Executive and Rita Fan, member

of the People’s Congress aired opinions over Li’s death.

Donald Tsang said Li’s death was “suspicious”.

He has relayed the Hong Kong people’s reaction to Beijing.

Officials of the liaison office for the Chinese regime

in Hong Kong also reported to Beijing.

The police spokesman in Hunan province

told Hong Kong media about their decision.

They commissioned forensic experts from outside

the province to carry out a postmortem.

They have also launched a further investigation by experts,

and the results will be announced promptly.

However, cemetery staff in Shaoyang said that

they had cremated Li’s body on June 9.

Mainland Chinese constitutional scholar

Li Shuangde commented.

“It should have an independent body to investigate,

for the results to be convincing.

If the Chinese regime are involved in the investigation,

people still have the right to suspect the results.

If Li’s body has been cremated,

how can you investigate?”

Hong Kong’s Ming Pao Daily reported that Shaoyang police

invited Luo Bin, deputy at the Center For Medicolegal

Expertise of Sun Yat-Sen University to lead the investigation.

Luo Bin was commissioned to carry out the autopsy

of Xue Jinbo, a villager who died in police custody in Wukan.

Xue Jinbo’s daughter, Xue Jianwan

said that Luo Bin couldn’t be trusted.

Shi Yulin, a democratic activist in Hubei, said that Public

Security, the Procuratorate and the Court are the same.

If they investigate each other,

will there be a result?

Shi Yulin, “I think it’s useless, as long

as it is inside China, there won’t be justice.

Because they are the same, the Chinese

Communist Party is the same.

I think to commission a foreign forensic team

is more reliable, as foreign experts are more reasonable.”

Now Shi Yulin is under house arrest

due to showing concern over Li Wangyang’s death.

The Chinese authorities don’t allow

him to leave Yichang city.

Activist Qin Yongmin and his wife went “missing” a few days ago.

Li Wangyang’s family members have also gone “missing”.

Tang Baiqiao, Chairman of the Alliance for Democratic China:

“No matter whether ‘suicide’ or ‘murdered’,

they detained his family members.

In addition, they forcefully cremated his body,

and arrested his supporters.

This was without allowing people to see his body.

This actually tells the world that they covered up the truth.”

Current Affairs commentator Heng He said that the Li case

roused wide-scale protests in Hong Kong.

This also happened inside China,

and has been spread worldwide.

However, the real purpose is to push Chinese authorities

to make a decision whether or not high-level officials

will visit Hong Kong on July 1.

Heng He: “July 1 is approaching.

As usual they will show up in Hong Kong.

They indeed want to avoid the annual

July 1 parade in Hong Kong.

This year’s parade obviously has one

more reason, apart from June 4.

The Li case can encourage more people

in Hong Kong to speak out.”

Heng He pointed out that theoretically, the cremation

indicated that the police destroyed the evidence.

It committed crimes to destroy evidence.

So any forensic autopsy won’t be convincible,

except to find out Li’s real killer and person behind it.
