【禁聞】 十八大後知青躋身廟堂 改變政壇?


















採訪/梁欣 編輯/宋風 後製/李若琳

“Educated Youths” in Power After CCP 18th Session.

Will They Change the Political Arena?

“Educated Youths”, who had experience “on the mountains

and in the countryside” during the Cultural Revolution,

will get power in the 18th session of

the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Many high-level CCP officials such as Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang,

Li Yuanchao and Ling Jihua have similar experiences.

Foreign media think that their experiences

“on the mountains and in the countryside” are bound

to add different elements into the CCP political arena

and completely change the political environment.

However, political commentators point out that

this idea is not practical.

Any person will deteriorate

when he or she joins the CCP system.

Only by disintegrating this system

will China be able to change.

Hong Kong’s Oriental Daily News reported that

after the CCP 18th session,

the large ship of China will be steered

by those “Educated Youths.”

Those with experiences “on the mountains

and in the countryside” during the Cultural Revolution.

Their experiences “on the mountains and in the countryside”

are bound to add different elements into the CCP’s political

arena, and completely change the political environment.

Oriental Daily News said that in those years when

the “Educated Youths” conquered difficulties together

with the majority of farmers and farm workers,

these experiences have melted into their blood.

Once they hold power over the country, it is bound to

have some impact in the current political arena.

However, commentator Heng He said that such

an argument is not acceptable.

Heng He: “Of course, I don’t agree with it.

The first generation members of CCP, who seized

political power, were originally farmers. The system of the CCP is bad.

Therefore, anyone who joins it will be beyond

his or her own control, whether you are good or bad.

If you are good, you will be eliminated

or become deteriorated.

If you are bad, you will be like a duck in water.”

Heng He pointed out that after the end of the “Cultural


some people who wanted to change China and joined the CCP,

were all changed by the CCP. They deteriorated.

Some people said it has nothing to do with whether

they will serve for the people.

It does not matter whether the princelings who will be in

power were “Educated Youths” or not,

nor whether they had bitter experiences

“on the mountains and in the countryside”.

Lin Muchen, President of “San Francisco Chinese

Democracy Education Foundation” commented.

The princelings are very powerful in China.

However, a very common idea for them is that

“Red Power” was formed from their parents’ fight.

So they think they should certainly have the country’s power.

Lin Muchen: “Generally speaking, these children of cadres,

whom we call princelings, if you want to them to work

for the people’s interests just because they had a little bitter

experience, I am afraid it is very difficult for them to do so.

In the current CCP ruling class,

they are simply for power.

The privileged class always hold power

and gaining their interests unrestrainedly.

This has already become a common ethos.”

Oriental Daily News also acknowledged that China is now

in a situation of a ticking time bomb.

The rich-poor divide, conflicts between officials and public,

and large regional differences.

The outside world is wondering how the fifth CCP generation

with “Educated Youth experiences” will support the building of the CCP, which is about to collapse.

Some media comment that there are two important messages

from Wen Jiabao’s speeches of political reform in recent years.

There are serious problems threatening

the society in the CCP regime.

Only through political reform and democratic ways,

can these problems be resolved.

Recently, the inside stories exposed in the Bo Xilai incident

are enough to illustrate this plight and danger.

“The Epoch Times" commented that there

was a saying in the 1990s.

“With political reform, the CCP will end;

without political reform, China will end.”

In the past 20 years, the current CCP regime

is very similar to the late Qing Dynasty.

The treasury is empty, and corrupt officials are everywhere.

The gap between the rich and the poor is huge,

and house demolitions are everywhere.

The public strongly oppose the officials,

and people’s grievances are huge.

Natural disasters and human accidents frequently happen.

It seems that the collapse of the CCP

regime is just around the corner.

Ruan Ming, think tank of former CCP General

Secretary Hu Yaobang, spoke with NTD.

There are always struggles between the “liberals”

and the “authoritarian faction” within CCP.

However, the road of China’s future

depends on the people themselves.

Ruan Ming: “Take Li Keqing and Xi Jinping for example,

what road they will take, I think, will not be decided

by themselves, but depend on the entire situation.

With such things as the people’s resistance forces,

the consciousness of the public, and the international forces.”

Ruan Ming believes that China has now come

up to the moment of dawn.

The CCP will go to the end if it does not change.

If the domestic and foreign democratic forces

combine together, it will go well.

Heng He also said that when faced with the CCP system,

which mainly destructs things with violence, no one can change it.

Only by disintegrating it will China be able to change.
