【禁聞】工人領袖李旺陽死亡 疑「被自殺」







「天安門母親」在臉書上表示,李旺陽21年的酷刑他都熬過了,怎麼會在獲釋後自殺? 如果不是因為中共殺人滅口, 為何要把李旺陽的遺體帶走?











Workers’ Leader Li WangYang died suspiciously

Hunan workers’leader, Li WangYang was found dead

in the yard of DaXiang Hospital in Shaoyang , Hunan.

Last week Li was interviewed by a Hong Kong based

television station.

Li expressed that he was seeking for the vindication

of the June 4th 1989 Tiananmen Square pro-democracy movement.

Chinese authorities claimed that Li hung himself.

However, Li’s family said he was found standing

facing windows, with both feet on floor.

It was obvious there were no signs that

he hung himself.

Witnesses said that the authorities didn』t allow his

family to take photos and removed his body immediately.

Li was convicted twice for participating in the

1989 Tiananmen Square student movement and advocating human rights.

As a result of 21-years of torture in prison,

he became blind, deaf and seriously sick.

Li was continuously persecuted by ShaoYang

local authorities after his release last May. He became homeless, poor and sick.

He was listed in the US 2011 National Report on

Human Right Practice as one of the democracy activists in China to to pay attention to.

At this year’s June-4th anniversary, he was awarded with

the 2012 Freedom of Spirit Award by the Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars.

Tiananmen Mother said on Facebook: Li had survived

21 years torture in prison, why he would commit suicide after being released?

If the authorities didn’t kill him, why did they

took away his body in such a hurry?

Lee Cheuk-yan, Chair of HongKong Alliance in Support

of Patriotic Democratic Movement of China,

similarly expressed that there was no reason for an

alleged suicide. So he will protest in front of the Liaison Office.

News of Li’s sudden suicide is now a hot topic

on the internet.

Some netizens said that Li was well-known for

his determination, how could he kill himself?

Some pointed out the fact that with Li’s involvement

in the June 4th, 1989 student movement,

Social activist Wen Yunhe and Writer Mo Zhi released an

urgent petition, asking CCP authorities to investigate Li’s death.

The petition was signed by over 1000 netizens

within 5 hours.

Chailing’s forgiving and Wang Dan’s urgent statement

On the other hand, one of former June-4th movement

leaders, Chailing published a letter titled: I Forgave Them.

While another former leader, Wang Dan released

an urgent statement of response.

In her letter, Chailing said that she forgave Deng Xiaoping

and Li Peng because she believe only forgiveness can Lead to peace. She even prayed for them.

Regarding this, Wang Dan said in his urgent statement

that he respected Chai’s personal opinion and belief, however, he didn’t agree with it.

He believes that when the killers offer neither remorse

nor apologies, and instead continue to kill, the victim’s forgiveness is groundless.

And such forgiveness is not fair to the persons

killed in the June 4th massacre.

Wang Dan wanted the public know that Chai’s letter

represented only her personal opinion,

and cannot represent that of all students

who participated in the movement.

He hoped Chailing could separate her personal belief and

the universal judgement of right and wrong.

Wang Dan was one of student leaders of June 4th movement.

He insisted that CCP authorities should “"allow the June 4th refugees to return to China,

compensate the victims of the massacre and allow

public discussions of the movement."
