【禁聞】「六四」再來 全球關注敏感日


【新唐人2012年6月5日訊】「六四」再來 全球關注敏感日







而在「六四」依然是禁忌的大陸,6月4號,上證指數綜合指數也表現詭異,以2346.98點開盤,下挫64.89點。這串資料恰好吻合了23 週年、89年、64事件。







這張面值一元的紙幣上,工工整整印著九句話,左上方是:「法輪大法是正法、洪傳世界一百多個國家、世界需要真善忍」。右邊四句則是揭露中共的:「中共暴政幾十年 殺害同胞八千萬 天怒人怨滅中共 退黨團隊保平安」。 下面兩行則告訴人們:「堅信法輪大法好、天災人禍命可保。」



“June 4th " returns , the world focuses on this sensitive day

June 4th is the 23rd anniversary of the “Tiananmen incident”.

The pains caused by Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP)

military massacring civilians still doesn’t alleviate after 23


Those who care about human rights around the world are

expressing their mementos in various ways.

U.S. State Department issued a statement on the eve of the

Tiananmen anniversary in memory of the dead innocent lives.

They asked the CCP to publicize the list of those who were

killed, hurt or lost because of CCP’s military suppression there.

U.S. State Department deputy spokesman Mark Daytona said

in a statement that they hoped Beijing authorities would protect the citizens’ universal human rights.

The statement asked Bejing to release those arbitrarily arrested,

persecuted, detained, forced to disappear or under house arrest.

U.S. also called on the CCP to stop the continued harassment

of civil rights activists and their family members.

According to the CNN news network, CCP authorities stated

the number of deaths in the Tiananmen massacre,

including soldiers, was 241 and another 7000 people were injured.

But activists say the number of death may reach several thousand.

Human Rights Watch Organization estimated that currently

dozens of Chinese citizens are still detained because of their protest activities in 1989.

Shanghai Composite Index shows message of June 4th, foreign media marvel

While it is still taboo for “June 4th, 1989 “

to be mentioned in mainland China,

on June 4th 2012, the Shanghai Composite Index reacted,

opening at 2346.98 points down 64.89 points.

The string of data coincides with the 23rd anniversary;

the year of 1989 and the June 4th incident.

The ups and downs of the Shanghai Composite Index rate

also imply the message of “64”.

On June 3rd, Shanghai Composite Index closed at 2373.44

points, and the closing points of June 4th are 2308.55 points,

with a falling difference of 64.89 points. The dropped points

were in line with the message of June 4th incident and 1989.

Moreover, the last one online transaction was done

by “June 4th Hand”.

Whether the emergence of this data is a coincidence or there

are some other reasons, is being discussed by the outside world.

Not only the netizens in mainland China spread it widely, also

the mainstream Western media’s Financial Times, Reuters,

Washington Post and Bloomberg News also have follow-up

reports, believing that it conveys a powerful message.

This phenomenon has also been paid attention to by CCP,

suffering from phobia of “June 4th”.

The CCP blocked the search of “Shanghai Composite Index”

on the microblog site straight away.

Paper money with Falun Gong truth appear on microblog

People in mainland China in their real life are not strangers

to “the paper money with Falun Gong truth”.

This was also spread on microblog on June 4th.

Netizen “Milejiadingding”, who uploaded the photos and

sent microblog, said: “I saw such money in Shenyang.

I hope I will not be arrested for sending this microblog,

I won’t will I?”

The paper money of nominal value RMB 1 yuan

includes nine sentences with good writings.

Upper left is written “Falun Dafa is the righteous Buddha Fa

which is spread in over 100 countries;

our world needs Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance”.

Four sentences in the right are what expose the Chinese

Communist Party (CCP):

“With CCP tyranny for decades, 80 million Chinese citizens

were killed by them.

The CCP is coming to the end with anger from heaven

and complaints from the public.

For security and peace, quit the membership of CCP.”

In the lower two lines is something to tell the people:

“To believe firmly that Falun Dafa is good, can save

people’s lives from disasters and accidents.”

According to “Minghui Net", the paper money similar to those

with “Falun Gong Poetic Justice discourse" is widespread throughout mainland China.

People who receive it regard it as “a symbol of luck”

to circulate among friends and family.
