










獨立評論員周陽:「他們對待六四這樣的問題,包括台灣、西藏、新疆等等紛爭,都是採取的一個策略——拖,繞開問題走,那問題留給後代去解決 ,他先享受享受再說吧。」”




採訪/常春 編輯/尚燕 後製/柏妮

Can Xi Jinping Redress June 4?

This year is the 23rd Anniversary

of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.

After the CCP regime brutally repressed the students,

“suppression” replaced “mediation” as the only way for CCP to deal with freedom of speech.

Before June 4 this year, people in Guizhou, Fujian, Shandong,

Beijing and other places got together to ask for June 4 incident to be redressed.

The CCP’s attitude on the June 4 incident

seems to be loosening.

Some rumors suggest Xi Jinping may redress

the June 4 incident after he takes office.

The latest edition of “Asian Weekly” reported rumors from

Beijing that Wen Jiabao has proposed to redress the June 4 incident.

Xi Jinping, who will become CCP General Secretary

in the 18th CCP National Congress, will redress the June 4 incident in the second or third year in his term.

Commentator Xia Xiaoqiang said there

have been two signals released.

On the one hand, the outside world is calling for Hu

and Wen to make political reform.

Therefore, Hu and Wen released the “redressing”

message as a preliminary action.

However, Xia Xiaoqiang said that the existing background

behind the message cannot be ignored.

Xia Xiaoqing: “The background is that the Hu-Wen

government and the forthcoming Xi Jinping government

do not want to continue the policy of persecuting Falun Gong.

This policy was started by Jiang Zemin, Zhou Yongkang

and other 『blood-debt’ faction members.

They want to expose and criticize the 『blood-debt- faction.

With this background, such news is just a means to maintain

short-term stabilization and attack the 『blood-debt’ group.”

On the other hand, Xia Xiaoqiang thought that the news

shows that Jiang Zemin and Zhou Yongkang are trying to delay their punishment.

This is because Xi Jinping will take office

after the 18th CCP National Congress.

Xia Xiaoqing: “As we know, the June 4 incident is just

one issue the 『blood-debt’ faction faces.

The Falun Gong issue should be the most worrying

thing which Jiang and Zhou currently face.

The Falun Gong issue must be solved within the term of the

Hu-Wen government before the 18th CCP National Congress.

If this issue cannot be solved, then all the efforts

from Hu and Wen will be in vain after the Bo Xilai event.”

Deng Xiaoping, Li Peng, Yang Shangkun and Chen Xitong

are the “four culprits” in the June 4 Massacre.

Li Peng addressed this in his diary, which was prohibited

by the CCP from being published by CCP.

It was Deng Xiaoping who ordered the army to go to Beijing,

and make the imposition of martial law in Beijing.

Li Peng said he himself was just pushed

into the first repression line caused by a conspiracy.

Chen Xitong, former CCP Secretary in Beijing, published

a book in Hong Kong after medical parole.

He mentioned in the book that he did not send untrue

information on the Tiananmen incident to Deng Xiaoping.

He denied that he was the commander

of the martial law troops.

The officials who implemented the repression policy

with iron fists began to shirk their responsibility.

Overseas media thought that this phenomena shows

that China is changing.

Mao Yushi, a famous economist in mainland China,

spoke to Hong Kong media.

He thought the June 4 incident

will be redressed this year.

However, Zhou Yang, an independent commentator,

put forward a contradictory view.

He thought that it is impossible for the

current CCP regime to redress the June 4 incident.

First, it is impossible to produce a reform-minded

politician within the CCP method of selecting officials.

The selected officials only focus on economic

interests of individuals or small groups.

Zhou Yang: “Delaying is the only strategy they choose

for dealing with June 4 incident, Taiwan, Tibet and Xinjiang.

They bypass the issue and leave them to future generations.

What they are concerned with is enjoying life.”

Secondly, Zhou Yang thought that too many past lessons

show that people should not feel optimistic towards the CCP.

Zhou Yang: “We have many lessons.

The fact is that the CCP can say one thing and do another.

I advise that we should not believe

the surface phenomenon.

If we want to solve June 4, Falun Gong and other issues,

then we should disintegrate the CCP. We should establish a democratic system.”

This year, twenty 1980’s students from mainland China

who study in the U.S. wrote a joint letter to Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping.

They ask for redressing the June 4 incident

during the 18th CCP National Congress.

Some mainland people get the truth

on the June 4 incident through the internet.

They organized concerts to

commemorate the incident.

The June 4 incident was 23 years ago, but it is still

a secret blocked in mainland China.
