【禁聞】六四再來 中共鐵幕下的民意沸騰














王雁南:「 在人民的心目裡,不用平反。大家心裡都是清清楚楚的。早就平反了。只是當前的政府是個甚麼態度。將來要看他們,早晚他要把這個事情說清楚。」




採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/孫寧

Seething Citizenry’s Desire on Eve of June 4th in China

On June 3, a scholar’s park speech was applauded by a

crowd chanting slogans of “rehabilitating the June 4th Event".

Before this year’s June 4th arrives, the incidents of

Bo Xilai and Chen Guangcheng have aroused a crisis of rule for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

International media have revealed that the

CCP’s Premier Wen Jiabao has proposed three times

Vindication for those massacred in the June 4th incident.

Yet each time was opposed by CCP officials.

Comments say, “Who rehabilitates the June 4th Event first

would win the hearts and minds of the people."

Retired professor of Shandong Univ. Sun Wenguang held

a placard reading “Rehabilitate the June 4th Event”

in his public speech on June 3 in Zhongshan Park in

Jinan city.

Sun’s speech attracted dozens of audiences who warmly

applauded and shouted slogans such as:

“Rehabilitate the June 4th Event", “Long live democracy",

“Long live freedom", “Down with dictatorship", “Long live constitutional governance".

Sun Wenguang: “Many on-scene supporters were there.

They eagerly asked for the leaflets I handed out, but I didn’t prepare that many."

The speech was destroyed by police-backed rogues

soon after beginning.

Sun Wenguang: “He sent a rogue who approaching me,

tore down the banners and swiftly ran away.

Many people present chased after him, as if

running after a thief.”

Winner of the 2012 Milton Friedman Prize for

Advancing Liberty and China’s economist,

Mao Yushi believes that sooner or later,

the June 4th Event will be rehabilitated.

The first who rehabilitate the June 4th Event will win

the people’s hearts, Mao Yushi comments.

Mao Yushi: “It deserves to rehabilitate at any time.

Who rehabilitates it first will gain all the public’s support."

Mao Yushi reveals the sources that have long obstructed the

rehabilitation of the June 4th Event.

Mao Yushi: “The first one comes from some officials who

are held liable for but are unwilling to rehabilitate the June 4th Event.

Such as Li Peng and Chen Xitong. Another source is

a number of vested interest groups,

who fear that any rehabilitation may endanger

the CCP’s existing power."

Insiders say that in recent years, Wen Jiabao has proposed to

rehabilitate the 1989 pro-democracy movement at the CCP’s three different top-level covert meetings.

Yet each time, Wen’s proposal was confronted with opposition.

UK’s Financial Times reported that the fiercest opposition

came from Bo Xilai.

In 1989, Bo’s father Bo Yibo repeatedly asked Deng Xiaoping

to take tough action and dispatch troops to Beijing.

The1989 political unrest allowed Jiang Zemin,

the CCP’s former president, to be promoted to Party chief.

While Zhao Ziyang, the CCP’s former General Secretary,

was removed from office for his sympathy with the students

and opposition to the regime’s military suppression.

Zhao Ziyang spent his last 15 years under house arrest.

Zhao’s daughter, Wang Yannan, says that the public will be able tell right from wrong.

The people are not begging the rulers for “rehabilitation",

Wang remarks.

Wang Yannan: “In the people’s mind, rehabilitation

is not necessary, for everybody knows the truth clearly It has already been rehabilitated.

The remaining issue is only related to the government’s attitude.

We’ll wait and see what explanation they’ll give later for it."

Beijing recently saw a vocal concert commemorating the

June 4th event. Petitioners across the country were singers.

They shouted “Tiananmen martyrs are immortal."

“The Tiananmen Square spirit is inspiring petitioners to defend their human rights.

Petitioners said they would follow the lead of the

students of the June 4th event,

uphold anti-corruption and democracy,

and support Wen Jiabao to carry out political reform.

On June 1, about 40 members of Hong Kong

Federation of Students initiated a 64-hour hunger strike

to mourn the pro-democracy pioneers

who died on June 4th,1989.

Pro-democracy activist Fang Zheng had his legs sheared off

by the CCP’s tank in Tiananmen massacre.

In a press conference held in front of Hong Kong’s

Legislative Council, Fang spoke of the truth about the bloody Tiananmen suppression.

Molihua.org, a China’s rights-defense website posted a public

notice on the eve of the 23rd anniversary of the June 4th event.

The announcement appeals to nationwide Chinese,

to dress in black, wearing sunglasses,

to pay silent tribute for “the victims of June 4th event" in the

afternoons of June 3-4 at local major public areas and central squares.

The notice stated that in the early morning of June 4th

at Manhattan’s Times Square, a memorial event will be held.

Participants will cover New York Chinese associations, members

of “China Jasmine Revolution" and “Occupy Wall Street" campaign.

Artists will be invited to make an on-site fabrication of

a life-sized tank to be as the stage, on which attendees will give their speeches.
