【禁聞】谷歌揭敏感詞庫 新唐人《禁聞》在列















採訪/李韻 編輯/李謙 後製/李若琳

Google exposes censored words in China web. Forbidden News is in the list.

To protest the internet blockade by the Chinese authorities,Google recently launched a reminder service to Chinese users of censored words.If a user inputs censored keywords, Google will remind the user to avoid being blocked.Through the analysis of Google Codes, there are a total of 456 blocked keywords, including NTD, Epoch Times, and Forbidden News.

Two years ago, Google China had moved from mainland China to Hong Kong for refusing Chinese censorship policy. Since then, all search service for mainland internet users

is automatically sent to Hong Kong.However, the Chinese Great Firewall (GFW) hijacks and filters searches according to a list of blocked keywords, and internet users will get false results such as “page can not be displayed" or “connection was reset."

In order to allow mainland users to identify and overcomethe monitor of the Chinese internet, Google recently introduced a new service to remind users of censored keywords after series of analysis. In other words, Google will prompt the user to modify keywords when input might lead to internet blockage. For example, if Chinese character Wong is keyed in, Google will remind the user of blockage. The user can choose to modify the keyword or continue to conduct search using the same keyword.

Human Rights Campaign in China co-founder Hu Jun tells NTD TV that in the era of internet,access and free flow of information is the most important wealth in society.

A government such as Beijing, which has spent huge sums taxpayers’ money to monitor taxpayers, should not have existed.

Human Rights Campaign in China co-founder Hu Jun: “The Communist regime’s anti-social progress practice is against humanity. Google’s approach is in fact a challenge to the CCP’s evil act."

Deeply troubled by internet censorship, Beijing dissident Li Jincheng also says that the CCP only speaks of being open, but in fact has been following the obscurantism of the Mao era.

Li Jincheng: “In particular, in the name of maintaining stability, that is, public opinion is guided from the beginning. It is to guide the people toward being closed,

and the people are back in the cage."

Li Jincheng also says that he himself often suffers from the internet censorship and blockade.To publish on the Internet, he has to delete many of the so-called sensitive words.

Li Jincheng: “I have personally experienced several microblogs being blocked on both Sina and Netease."

Internet users analyzed Google’s code and found a total of 456 censored keywords.Chinese characters Wang, Jiang, and Zhou are the top three on the list.

Google does not have an explanation why these keywords are being monitored.

Given the current situation in China, it is obvious that Wang is associated with Wang Lijun, who defected to the United States Consulate, Jiang is related to the crimes of the former CCP leader Jiang Zemin, and Zhou is associated with the scandal of Zhou Yongkang, Chinese Communist Politics and Law Committee secretary.

The list shows popular terms such as the “Nine Commentaries," “withdraw from the party," and “Shen Yun." Independent overseas media, “New Tang Dynasty" and “Epoch Times" and so on are also on the list. orbidden News, a program of New Tang Dynasty TV

is listed separately for the blockade.

Hu Jun: “I think they (Google China) should conduct a legal lawsuit in the nternational community.In fact, the media “New Tang Dynasty TV" or “Epoch Times"

should also sue the CCP. Why should they block these Chinese?

I think they should also sue the CCP. The crime against humanity should be recorded and brought to the International Court of Justice for the trial."

Hu Jun mentioned that Google in China basically could not function normally because of the interference by the Chinese authorities. To use Google for a full information search, he must use “Free-gate", “Ultra-Surf" and other software to view websites blocked by the Great Firewall.
