【禁聞】傳高層鬆動 有意平反六四


【新唐人2012年6月4日訊】傳高層鬆動 有意平反六四

“六四” 23週年紀念日來臨,像往年一樣,世界各地的紀念活動風起雲湧,而要求平反的呼聲,今年似乎格外響亮。最近,有關中共高層鬆動,可能平反“六四”的傳言也越來越多。















Rumors About Redressing June 4 Tiananmen Square Protest

The 23rd anniversary of “June 4th Tiananmen Square Protest"

is approaching.

As in the past, many places in the world

hold commemorating activities.

This year’s events are particularly to seek the redressing

of the June 4th incident.

Recently, many rumors that the Chinese Communist Party

(CCP) high-level officials may redress June 4 affairs spread.

The Epoch Times reported that the mainland democracy

supporters sent out emails.

The email said Guizhou people’s request of redressing the June

4th incident showed the Chinese regime’s attitude has softened.

Rumors said that when Xi Jinping takes over power,

he would redress the June 4th incident.

After the CCP army killed peaceful students

at the protest on June 4th, 1989,

the topic of the incident has been banned for years.

The regime refused to redress the victims.

On March 20th, the UK Financial Times newspaper reported,

Premier Wen Jiabao in recent years, has suggested three times

in high-level secret meetings about redressing June 4th.

Hong Kong’s Frontline magazine published an article in the

latest issue.

It said the same as the Financial Times did; Wen Jiabao’s

suggestions were in Dec. 2010, Dec.2011 and March 2012.

New Photos found of Crammed Tanks on June 4th, 1989

Recently, some truth of June 4th Tiananmen massacre was

disclosed by witnesses.

They said in order to intensify hatred, the Chinese Communist

Party (CCP) sent soldiers dressed as workers and students to mix in amongst protesters.

These soldiers killed Sergeant Major

Cui Guozheng, then blamed the students.

Pictures of tanks took by a soldier, who participated in the

crackdown on that day, was revealed for the first time.

The Apple Daily reported that Hong Kong Woofer-ten in

Yaumatei held June 4th incident exhibition.

It displayed two photos taken by former soldier Chen Guang

on June 4th, 1989 at the massacre site.

One photo shows after the killing, tanks crammed

in Chang’an Street.

Behind the tanks, Tiananmen Square and

soldiers can be clearly seen.

The soldiers dressed in green military uniforms standing

on the stationary tanks.

Sources said, photos were captured at a low angle

with a high resolution camera.

Tanks’gun mouths can be viewed clearly.

It is the first time They were disclosed.

The Apple Daily said that at 10am in June 4, 1989, the CCP

army finished washing down the massacre site.

Many of the tanks still stayed in Chang’an Street

by Tiananmen Square.

Soldier Chen Guang who took part in the crackdown

took the photographs of the scene.

Another photo shows many soldiers were burning something

in Tiananmen Square.

The report said that Chen Guang belonged to 65th Army in

Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province.

He was 17 years old when he participated the crackdown.

Before he entered Tiananmen Square, his commander gave

him a camera and film.

He then took photos around and kept some of them.

Report also said that at the clearance day in Tiananmen Square,

Chen Guang found a pigtail; a female student’s bloody body was nearby.

Since then, the hair has stayed in Chen Guang’s memory.
