











採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/李若琳

US Report: China, The World’s Top Active

Economic & Cyber Spy

On May 18, the U.S. Defense Department released the

latest annual report on “Military and Security Developments Involving the P.R.China”.

The report says China’s military spending in 2011 might

reach USD 180 billion, a figure much higher than the officially released figure. Chinese actors are the world’s most active and persistent

perpetrators of economic espionage.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime also launched

cyber attacks to gather intelligence, according to the Pentagon report.

The CCP official data release this March show that China’s

2012 military budget will reach 670 billion RMB (USD 106 billion), an11.2% increase over 2011.

Over the past 20 years, nearly each year has seen a

double-digit boost on its military budget.

Using 2011 prices and exchange rates, the U.S. Defense

Department’s estimates China’s total military-related

spending for 2011 ranges between $120 billion and

$180 billion,” said the report.

David Helvey, acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of

Defense said, “Some of their nuclear forces modernization

occurs off-budget, some of the R&D monies that go to their

defense industry we also think comes from a different budget.

some of the foreign acquisitions come from a different

account as well.”

Ming Xia, professor at the City University of New York, says,

China’s robust increase in military budget stems

From the CCP’s anxiety and unease beset by problems

inside and outside of China.

Under global circumstances, China is now facing an

increasinglydifficult situation, says professor Xia.

This is because after over a decades’ development,

the CCP began to feel rich and self assured.

Diplomatically, the regime has gradually shown itself

more offensive and aggressive.

It has taken some overbearing approaches to the

surrounding countries,and more tough and challenging stances against the U.S..

Ming Xia: “With such a mentality and in such a

global environment, the Chinese regime apparently believes that raising the military budget is a must.

From the Korean peninsula, to the Sea of Japan, down to

the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, until Vietnam,

Burma, India’s Indochina Peninsula,

South Asia and Afghanistan,

China is surrounded by 『hostile forces』 that the regime defines.

Its military spending clearly reflects

such a state of mind. “

Secondly, the CCP military buildup aims to safeguard

the regime’s legitimacy by uplifting its role in the international arena.

Its military expansion and continuous weapons

modernization,serve to suppress the Chinese people and to strengthen the legality of it’s rule.

The CCP’s military expansion is inseparable from its

“stability preservation” policy and the repression of domestic civilians, says Ming Xia.

Ming Xia: “Inside China, there are lots of issues troubling

the CCP, especially in regions like Xinjiang and Tibet.

So military expansion is inseparable from internal repression.

Meanwhile, the ruling force advocating stability

preservation has become a large interest group in China.

Through continuous military expansion and

stability preservation,

this group has exaggerated the resulting positive effects on

the regime’s ruling power.

This has created excuses for the group to gain their

personal interests using this method,

but has also allowed them to abuse the interests

of the Chinese people. ”

David Helvey has repeatedly mentioned that cyber attacks

are found that “originate from China”.

“As we learn moreabout them, we have a better

understanding of the nature of the operations, and that

helps us to say with greater confidence that some of

these are in fact coming from China,”

Analysts said that espionage and the acquisition of dual-use

technologies could accelerate the Beijing regime’s military modernization.

In 2011, the Obama administration launched a new military


The policy cuts U.S. military deployment in the world’s

other regions, strengthening its influence in the Asia-Pacific theatre.

The goal is to establish a reliable, uncostly military force

to resist the dangers of terrorism,

and to prevent new dangers originating from countries

such as China or Iran.
