


World’s Largest Car Show Kicks Off in Beijing


By Daniel Chen, David Lee


1. Kick off ph. 開始

2. Record [ˋrɛkɚd] adj. 空前的;創紀錄的

3. Wild about ph. 熱切的;渴望的

4. Cash in on ph. 利用;賺錢

5. Versatility [͵vɝsəˋtɪlətɪ] n. 通用性;多用途

6. Congestion [kənˋdʒɛstʃən] n. 擁塞

7. Soar [sor] v. 猛增

8. Premier [ˋprimɪɚ] n. 首位

9. Take off ph. 起飛

10. Prospect [ˋprɑspɛkt] n. 前景

11. Tier [tɪr] n. 階層

12. Metropolitan [͵mɛtrəˋpɑlətn] adj. 大都市的

The annual Beijing International Automotive Exhibition kicked off on Monday (April 23). A record number of over one thousand vehicles competing for the attention of the world’s biggest auto market.


Although China’s economic growth is slowing, the automobile industry is still hopeful. Wealthy Chinese are wild about SUVs, luxury cars, and in the future, many brands hope also green vehicles.


Lamborghini, hoping to cash in on the Chinese taste for bigger cars, for the first time presented the Urus – a luxury SUV concept car.

藍寶基尼,針對中國人喜好大車的品味,首次推出烏魯斯 – 豪華休旅概念車。

Ford is a late-comer to the Chinese market, but is hopeful for its future in the country.


Ford Asia chief, Joe Hinrichs, presented four brand new Ford SUVs on Sunday (April22). He was confident about the cars’ success.


[Joe Hinrichs, Ford Asia Chief]:

“SUV is one of the fastest growing segments in China, some people think 2.5 million units were sold last year. We’ve done some research on it, a lot of people are buying an SUV for their second vehicle, when they buy a second vehicle, to have versatility, and have that flexibility with the vehicle. Also people like the higher seating point, they like to see over what’s going on in front of them, there’s a lot of traffic, a lot of congestion, so they can see what’s going on ahead of them,"


The number of SUVs Chinese consumers bought soared to 2.1 million last year. An increase of 25 percent, making for almost 12 percent of total vehicle sales, according to J.D. Power and LMC Automotive.

根據JD Power和LMC汽車,購買休旅車的中國消費者去年猛增到210萬人,增加了25%,將近汽車總銷量的12%。

While other brands like Rolls Royce, Ferrari and Maserati also introduced flashy new models, German car-maker Mercedes-Benz held a world premier for its new A-Class “Quad Coupe.”


Car sales in China increased by 5 percent in 2011, the slowest pace since the nation’s car culture took off at the turn of the century.


Industry observers say prospects for 2012 are expected to improve. This is thanks to automobile demand in lower tier cities, which are catching up with major metropolitan areas.




本專欄由前衛英語李德良老師主編 www.davidlee.url.tw


Industry observers say prospects for 2012 are expected to improve. This is thanks to automobile demand in lower tier cities, which are catching up with major metropolitan areas.



Wealthy Chinese are wild about luxury cars.

