











採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/孫寧

CCP’s Decision-Making Game Intensified

The Wang Lijun incident has triggered a domino effect—

Bo Xilai’s collapse and Chen Guangcheng’s victory escape.

All events eventually focused on Zhou Yongkang,

Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Recently internet rumors spread Zhou Yongkang’s

military power grab and Wen Jiabao’s forced resignation.

A photo posted on the Web of Jiang Zemin’s alleged meeting

with Starbucks CEO 20 days ago was suspected fake.

Critics say these signs of anomaly were Zhou Yongkang’s

bravado, cheering the blood-debt clan.

Zhou’s desperate efforts drove Hu and Wen into a frenzy

to rid of Zhou Yongkang fast, according to comments.

The Epoch Times analyzes that Hu Jintao did not take down

Zhou Yongkang, fearing a loss of control or civil strife

sparked by the recent Chen Guangcheng event

—this gave Zhou a chance to breathe again.

Intelligence agents under Zhou now tout on the internet,

forcing Hu Jintao to surrender military power.

However, Hu and Wen continue their infighting

within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The Epoch Times reported that Hu had instructed

the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection to hasten

investigations into the 『black hole’ in Zhou’s funds and abuse

of law enforcement, etc.—Zhou is deemed close to collapse.

Critic Zhang Tianliang says, Zhou showed a hard-line stance

on the Guangcheng event after being seen losing ground.

In this way, Zhou disgraced Hu Jintao,

while boosting the morale of his minions.

Zhang Tianliang: “Hu Jintao himself may fear getting blamed

as being weak towards the U.S., by other CCP factions.

Hu is ready for his second term as Chairman of the Central

Military Commission, —Zhou can』t curb Hu’s military power.

Zhou compels Hu Jintao so severely that he may face

an immediate, strong counterattack from Hu.”

Informed sources disclosed to Boxun.com that the rumors

of Wen Jiabao’s resignation was created by Zhou Yongkang.

Zhang Tianliang: “I don’t believe Wen Jiabao will resign—

we all know the conflict between Wen and Zhou Yongkang.

Firstly, Wen Jiabao once said at a press meeting that he』d

stay to the last minute, even if it meant risking his life.

Secondly, confined within the CCP’s life-or-death infighting,

seizing power is the only to secure safety.

Thirdly, Hu’s unlikely to allow Wen to resign—removing Zhou

satisfies everybody, it doesn』t trigger much shock.

In contrast, Wen Jiabao is a person with popular support;

resignation will probably cause quite big chaos in society."

It’s Zhou’s desperate effort, aiming for “the blood-debt clan”

to escape criminal penalty, according to Zhang Jian.

Zhang Jian says, Zhou may use tricks to deceive the public,

so until Zhou gets criminal punishment, there’ll be no peace.

Zhang Jian: “Once Zhou Yongkang is taken down, the whole

blood-debt clan will be completely ruined and be punished.

The CCP has its own institutional problem, but Zhou

and the clan he represents are the worst part of the CCP.

At this very delicate time, Zhou makes his last-ditch efforts

in touting military nationalization and deployment only under

the co-signature of 9 Standing Committee members.

Zhou’s goal is to fulfil his personal interests; it’s definitely not

to use military power for the country or for the CCP."

Zhang Jian says the CCP factions are proactively resorting to

overseas media for news—a new phenomenon in history.

This proves, a cruel decision-making game is being staged

within the CCP, with the process being very rigorous.
