【禁聞】迫害人權! 美中記者會暗交鋒









杜延林:「 一個自由人,卻花費六千萬納稅人的錢,來軟禁毆打迫害一個盲人。這對任何一個國家來說,都是不允許的。國際有人權公約,每個國家政府都要保證人的基本權利,這不能算內政。」




採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/周天

Human Rights Violation Conflict at Sino-US Press Conference

In a press conference held before the end of Sino-US strategic

dialogue, neither side mentioned Chen Guangcheng.

However, on human rights issue, both sides have

intensified dialogue.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) claimed “never accept

other countries to interfere China’s domestic affairs.”

Human rights issues shouldn’t influence

both sides’ relationship.

Commentary said that disregarding human rights to pursue

economic interests is against basic universal values.

In a press conference held on Thursday evening,

Hillary Clinton said the US continues to raise human rights.

She said that this was because they believe that they

are essential for every country to uphold,

and that they raised specific matters of individuals.

Clintion’s words seemed to point to the Chen Guangcheng


The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) State Councilor

Dai Bingguo claimed that with regard to human rights, “no country can be perfect.”

He added that the CCP will “go their own path” and “human

rights shouldn’t interfere in the Sino-U.S. relationship.”

The U.S. shouldn’t uphold human rights to interfere

in other country’s domestic affairs.”

The foreign minister, Cui Tiankai, who attended negotiations

in the Chen Guangcheng’s event,

suggested that “two countries should strictly observed

each side’s basic rules.”

Although the Chen event has become a focus in Sino-US

dialogue, both sides hope to concentrate on economic aspects.

This includes the relaxation of export controls, fighting

infringement of intellectual property and other issues.

Chairman Hu Jintiao mentioned “New Great

Countries’ Relationship.”

Clinton responded to establish solidity

between the two countries.

Du Yanlin, a Beijing accountant, said the CCP takes advantage

of China’s economic market to go against basic human values.

Du Yanlin: “In such an international environment,

any country will have economic trade with other countries.

It is necessary, but don’t forget, human rights should be an

individual element above all.

I told CNN in an interview that international trade includes

many aspects, but basic human basic shouldn’t be ignored.

If the international community completely disregards human

rights, and only considers economic interests, then this trade is against the basic value of human rights.”

The CCP flagrantly violated the Sino-US agreement

during the Chen Guangcheng event.

It sent police to surround the hospital, preventing people

from visiting Chen, including US diplomatic officials.

The CCP turned Beijing’s Chaoyang hospital

into Dongshigu village in Shandong.

Du Yanlin points out that the Chinese regime has taken

“no interference of domestic affairs” as an excuse.

It wants to avoid international condemnation

of its violation of human rights.

Du Yanlin: “For a free man who has never broken the law,

the CCP spent 60 Million Yuan (US$9.5 Million) to imprison and persecute a blind man.

It is not acceptable in any country.

There are International Human Rights Conventions,

every country should protect their citizen’s basic rights. It is not domestic affairs.”

Du also said that the CCP covers up the persecution

by the excuse of “no country is perfect.”

Du Yanlin: “In a country, only by putting basic human rights

as fundamental law to be strictly adhered to can this country be qualified to talk about the improvement of human rights.

If they didn’t recognize their own law, then

it’s impossible to improve its human rights.”

Last Friday, four state-owned newspapers in Beijing

targeted US ambassador Gary Locke for criticism.

However, netizens said that the newspapers agency turns

black into the white, and is insulting Beijing people’s IQ.
